Vienna: Muslim migrant who went on stabbing spree was shouting “Allah” – IOTW Report

Vienna: Muslim migrant who went on stabbing spree was shouting “Allah”

Geller Report: He was shouting “Allah, Allah,” and no one reported that when the story broke. This is simply evil. The establishment media is dead-set on keeping the public in the dark about what is happening. Despite their best efforts, before too long it will be abundantly clear to everyone. But by then it may be too late.

“Four people including a 17-year-old girl are critically injured as ‘deranged knifeman shouting Allah’ goes on rampage in Vienna before ‘man of Afghan descent’ is arrested,” by Charlie Bayliss, Mailonline, March 7, 2018 (thanks to Lukasz):

An Afghan man has been arrested after four people were injured in two knife attacks in Vienna, Austria.

Three pedestrians were attacked at random by a man wielding a knife near the capital’s famous Prater Park at around 7.45pm local time.

Police say that the three victims hurt in the stabbing frenzy were a family, including a father, mother and their daughter, 17.

Then 30 minutes later, another person was seriously injured in a separate attack at Praterstern. A police spokesman confirmed all the victims were Austrian.  MORE

12 Comments on Vienna: Muslim migrant who went on stabbing spree was shouting “Allah”

  1. We know Media is controlled by those who desire simple rule over low IQ people, and Media is the Spear tip of their movement. The Media in my opinion needs to be Punished by Trump somehow, maybe start with Fines for misrepresenting the truth to Citizens, and expulsion from reporting for Liars
    who are habitual !

  2. Maybe the state should hold a Koran hostage and the world for every person hurt by an Allah monkey a Koran gets pissed on. For everyone murdered a Koran is used in a perverse sexual act where a hog is used and the footage blasted on all channels in the Muslim world.

  3. While we are busy writing legislation to minimize the impact of tools, while ignoring homicidal intent, it is high time we ban bumpstocks for knives, high capacity magazines for knives, none of which exist, but buttresses my point that criminal intent can weaponize a hammer, a shovel, an axe, etc.

    I own all of the above, minus the bumpstock, but so far Ted Kennedy’s car has a higher body count than all of my tools.

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