Virginia Dems Push Assault Weapons Ban, Magazine Confiscation Through Committee – IOTW Report

Virginia Dems Push Assault Weapons Ban, Magazine Confiscation Through Committee


Virginia Democrats on Friday pushed a bill through the state house of delegates’ Public Safety Committee that would ban the sale of “assault weapons” and confiscate certain ammunition magazines.

The bill, HB961, is the most controversial advanced by Democratic lawmakers and Governor Ralph Northam (D.) since they took control of both houses of the state legislature in November. It would outlaw new sales of some of the country’s most popular firearms, including the AR-15, and make it illegal to possess ammunition magazines capable of holding more than 12 rounds, even if they were previously legally purchased. Friday’s vote was along party lines, with one Democrat abstaining.

The proposal could affect millions of Virginia gun owners, according to the firearms industry’s trade group.

“This bill would affect more than just your modern sporting rifles like the AR-15,” Mark Oliva, a spokesman for the National Shooting Sports Foundation, told the Washington Free Beacon. “It would affect the vast majority of handguns.” read more

h/t forcibly deranged

19 Comments on Virginia Dems Push Assault Weapons Ban, Magazine Confiscation Through Committee

  1. It’s past time to send the military to Virginia to put down the democrats. Did you see the cops forcing people to leave for expressing their constitutional rights. Still think the cops will side with you?

  2. Lotta people in Virginia own these, bought and possessed them legally, and they are law abiding citizens who actively avoid criminal activity.

    Are those Dems really sure they want to turn them into lawbreaking criminals, removing any incentive they have to continue avoiding criminal activity (which would probably end up being directed against the Dems that made them that way)?

    Decisions have consequences, as the Dems in Virginia are likely to find out rather soon. Of course, they will blame those consequences on anything and everything except their own decisions that brought them down on them.

  3. It won’t affect shit if no one complies, and a few Nazis end up dead for attempting to confiscate private property.
    I so wish the cunts that come up with this stuff were the ones on the front lines.

  4. @Anonymous February 8, 2020 at 5:12 pm

    > Supreme Court here we come!

    And by “we” you mean somebody, that somebody else pays, with somebody else’s money. While you heroically ride that tempestuous couch. Same as it ever was.

  5. Trump can send the Military to arrest Northam for violating the Constitution just the same as Johnson sent troops to desegregate schools. This is a violation of the FEDERAL CONSTITUTION, not some state issue.
    “Virginia Democrat Delegate Imagines U.S. Military Crushing Citizen Gun Supporter.” ??? REALLY? How about U.S. Military arrests Virginia Delegates for TREASON.
    Taking the 2nd Amendment is a prequel to taking the 13th and 19th Amendments. Will Virginia reimpose SLAVERY next????
    “BLACKFACE” Northam has to disarm the People before reimposing SLAVERY.
    If “Blackface” Northam can negate the 2ND Amendment of the FEDERAL Constitution then States can also negate the 13TH & 19TH Amendments!
    If Northam can take your guns in spite of the 2nd, Northam can REIMPOSE SLAVERY by also ignoring the 13th.
    The States cannot “take” your Constitutional RIGHTS.
    Trump can send the Military to arrest Northam for violating the Constitution just the same as Johnson sent troops to desegregate schools
    The 2nd Amendment is a codification of your GOD given RIGHT …. that is why the Bolsheviks deny GOD ….. no GOD … no GOD GIVEN RIGHTS.

  6. Take it easy Frances.

    It’s a process and most of the democrats actions are window dressing and a collective clutching of pearls and couch fainting for media’s sake.

    Not one local sheriff is stupid enough to initiate a confiscation program.

    Hell. I found an old bumpersticker the other day that languished in my center console since Obama days.
    I recently deployed it.
    Come and take it still resonates. Even today at the dump.
    Woman in charge said her son would willingly relinquish his AR-15 once all the lead was provided to the confiscators.

    Much like the impeachment fraud, this gun hysteria will die without a whimper.

    There is simply no way the libtards can muster their fantasy army to fulfill their phantasmagorical delusions.

  7. PHenry

    I frequent a couple of the, what I like to call, “Kill em all let God sort them out” blogs. Stupid people. But there’s been Virginia State Cops trying to defend themselves with their intent to try and take YOUR weapons. It’s not the local guys that ar e going to be the problem. When it’s pointed out to them hey are violating the oath to the Constitution the average reply is, I need to feed my family. They’re almost apologetic. Almost. They’ve been told they will be met with resistance. No impact.

  8. Rather then having demonstrations maybe it’s time to start the process of recalling the Governor (by the rules defined in the State Constitution) and the Democrat State officers (although that’s not been tested in the courts according to Balletpedia).

    I would imagine that a lot of folks that voted in the last election either are surprised to the extent that Ralphie has decided to curtail their rights and may just reverse their votes in a special election if the petition should pass. In any event fighting multiple recall petitions would slow Ralph and the Democrats down.


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