Virtual Soup Lines – IOTW Report

Virtual Soup Lines

Wisco Dave found this at Zero Hedge.

ZH- First of all, if there were soup lines, the corporate media would just ignore them. If they don’t report it, then it isn’t happening. Secondly, the soup lines are electronic, as the government downloads the “soup” onto EBT cards so JP Morgan can reap billions in fees to run the SNAP program. Just because there are no pictures of starving downtrodden Americans in shabby clothes waiting in soup lines, doesn’t mean the majority of Americans aren’t experiencing a depression.


We look to the Great Depression and try to see the same imagery today. When we don’t we feel better because we “aren’t there yet” and we keep moving along.
We ARE there, it’s just that we aren’t looking at it in perspective to today’s technologies. – Wisco Dave

30 Comments on Virtual Soup Lines

  1. Here’s my thoughts. I have 3 months if freeze dried food stored. A shit load of Ammo. And I’m far from alone. I truley beleive I’ll need it in the next several months. More importantly I have a very good group of freinds I train with. And again we are far from alone. Is virtual still virtual when bullets start flying through the virtual studio?

  2. I live on 200 acres. Plenty of livestock. Plenty of fuel. Gas well power Generation.
    Plenty of ammo. Two huge water wells. An underground bunker. Loaded with
    supplies. Too many weapons to count. I have lived on the property for one solid year as a
    test to see how hard it would be. Conclusion, not hard at all.

  3. No worries here. I’m good for at least a year. And you can’t see my house from the highway. 1300 gallons of strained rainwater stored, about 400 gallons of that already filtered and ready to drink, and a pond full of water and stocked with fish.

    Here’s a tip: order the 5 mil one-gallon Mylar bags with oxygen absorbers from amazon and store rice and beans. It doesn’t cost much at all and white rice will store for 30 years at reasonable temperatures if the oxygen is removed. Store the bags in 5-gallon buckets to keep the mice away.

    You can get the buckets for free if you call around to restaurants and food factories.

  4. The MRE’s suck unless you’re starving, though. I had my kids get me some from the px. I don’t know how they eat those things. Augason Farms has some pretty good stuff. And walmart carries a lot of their products at an even lower price. You can get a 10-lb pail of rolled oats for under $20. They list it at over 100 servings. Stores for 25 years. I stocked up by purchasing a couple of cans every month.

    Something else that’s real important is to have any dental work or important medical work done before the SHTF. It won’t be easy afterwards.

  5. I don’t have any weapons, no food or gold. Besides even if I did, all the supplies would be buried on the neighbor’s property with toilet paper I don’t have. So leave me alone, go get my neighbor, nothing to see here.

    You just gotta appreciate the fuck out of just in time lifestyle. Amazon delivers same day.

  6. I’m set up just the way I want to be. Far from the city. Self-sustainable. One way in and we’ve got that covered. And I have already made peace with my Creator. Maybe you don’t get it Brad.
    I really mean it when I say no worries. No stress at all. I’m not missing anything.

  7. Ham radio, CB band … solar battery charger, solar cooker … generator … brothers by blood, brothers by acquaintance …

    I don’t know of anything I’ve left out. I was reading “Survive” magazine in the late 70s or early 80s. My dad taught Air Force survival school. What am I missing?

  8. I wasn’t trying to insult you Brad. Just saying that you might not like the taste of those things after a couple of boxes. I see that as a good friendly tip. You’ll thank me for that some day. lol

  9. Survival seeds are very important. Some of them come with planting instructions. Because, what do you do when your year supply of food runs out after six months? (The servings are a lot smaller than people realize). Planting crops would be a lot better than having to kill people and take their food. And I’m sure there will be a lot of that going on unless this thing stays peaceful and under control.

  10. Well if you listened to Tim Kandy-Ass Kaine in Cleveland the other day he said Obama pulled us out of the worst recession since the Great Depression all by himself! He didn’t get any help from those nasty Repubwicans!
    Yes, “we made critical investments in schools, roads and bridges.”
    “We cut taxes for 95 percent of American families. We went from 25 months of job losses to 29 straight months of private-sector job growth. The auto industry is back. Manufacturers are hiring again, but we’ve got to do more.”
    Then a little later he says “We want to invest in our communities—the roads, bridges and infrastructure”
    Thought you already did that!

    “The last time they were in charge, the other side turned a record surplus into a massive deficit with two wars, trillions in tax breaks, loopholes and entitlements they wouldn’t pay for. Now, they’re pushing budget-busting tax cuts and economy-busting spending cuts.”
    “They’ll slash middle-class tax breaks, raising taxes on the middle class. They’d turn Medicare into a voucher system. And rather than raise taxes on the wealthy by a single penny, they’d put thousands of defense jobs at risk. Let’s be clear: That’s not fiscally responsible. That’s fiscally reckless.”
    Exactly what the defecRats did! Oh and speaking of fiscally reckless, there’s that nagging 20 Billion dollar debt…

    The Lying, America-Hating, Deserter-Honoring, Gay-Obsessed, Communist-Organizing, Racist, Marxist Muzlim, Jug-eared Jihadi gave us Virtual Soup Lines! It’s what defecRats do: Create a crisis then ride to the rescue while all the time blaming somebody else!

    Tim Kaine:

  11. Wife was in the grocery store a few weeks back stuck in line behind some dindu who was trying to purchase something that was not EBT eligible. Manager swiped her card and the account balance came up on the screen for my wife to see. It had over $1000 on it.

    Who needs a job, suckers?

    Nobody is starving in this country except maybe kids with terrible, selfish parents that snort their free money up their noses.

  12. PHenry, on that topic, little sister was in line buying some crabs for a treat for my parents. Person in front of her bought $80 of lobster meat. Paid with EBT. Thought she was going to go ballistic.

  13. Unruly, making peace with our maker is the first and most important step. I have a daily conversation. We are covered for probably about 9 months. I try to get my family members to see the likely storm coming, but they don’t want to see it. Live too far away to come knocking on my door, but I know others will.

  14. He’s right. We are in a society that doesnt see the need because food stamps have changed to cards. If we have any grocery store employees posting here they could really tell stories.

    Gary North was a guy who sent out frightening newsletters back in the 80’s (pre-Alex Jones) and his letters convinced me that we needed a years supply of chow. I bought it from him ($700.00 in 80’s money) and we lugged that stuff around until 2014. Sold it on craigslist for 25.oo. But no fear, have bought another years supply via 3 different providers. Hopefully it wont all taste like cardboard. I am surrounded by retired chAirForce (i never served, military didnt want me), so hopefully we can organize.

  15. @ I won’t starve. Cause I can farm

    Hope you’re not the only one defending/protecting your property.

    You gotta sleep sometime.

    Otherwise, you’re just stocking up for a better organized group that comes along and helps themselves to everything.

  16. @unruly

    “Something else that’s real important is to have any dental work or important medical work done before the SHTF. It won’t be easy afterwards.”

    Easy-peasy, y’all sound well stocked. There’s your medical plan. The smart docs will do just fine, the real smart ones will have goons out breaking arms and teeth for 10% of the take. Lawyers get a +100% surcharge, food or ammo, up front. Bandages extra. Malpractice lawyer? Sorry, the doctor is *not* in.

  17. @DaveVA, you are exactly right about that number one most important relationship.
    It’s what comes after this world that really matters the most. Eternity being such a long, long, long, long….., time. This life is not even a drop in the bucket.

    Some of my kids don’t want to prepare, but the ones with military experience are slowly getting it together.

    Stay right with God. Peace.

  18. @Gojira, lol! I have to agree with you about the lawyers. But 100% surcharge is way too cheap. Those guys don’t have any other survival skills other than ambulance chasing. I’m sure the good doctors will barter. I hate doctors anyway, but there are times when they are very necessary. Unlike lawyers, they will be in high demand.

  19. We’re not barbarians and we have a moral obligation to the sick, injured and lame. The surcharge was a sop to my brother. He’s… he’s a…h-h-he’s…OMG, I can’t believe I’m saying this in public but since I’m writing under a nom de plume, I guess it’s ok. He’s one. Good guy. Finance/contract-side. The malpractice ones, they who have dedicated their lives to preying upon you are a different matter. You don’t pull a tick off and put it on your other arm. You step on it. In my world, his very last, very short brief will read simply “Nike” and he will enter lawyer Valhalla with a “ekiN” emblazoned across his forehead as a warning to the others.

    I am happily married but I suppose there are others who would cut the same non-deal to divorce lawyers. I’m ok with that, too. The brave new world will have no laws, no need for lawyers and , deliciously, no legal recourse. Bite me, if you still have teeth.

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