Vocal #MeToo Dem Politician Accused of Groping – IOTW Report

Vocal #MeToo Dem Politician Accused of Groping


California Assemblywoman, Cristina Garcia, who Time featured as a key player in the #MeToo movement, got drunk at a softball game and groped a staffer name Daniel Fierro in the dugout (if you know what I mean) – that’s Fierro’s claim.

Politico has confirmed the story with two witnesses Fierro told at the time the incident occurred.

Fierro says Garcia was drunk. What makes this particularly hypocritical is that Garcia has already thoroughly covered the “drunk” angle in her past admonitions, saying it is no excuse for inappropriate behavior. Whoops.

Garcia has worked doggedly to get people fired from their jobs when they’ve been accused of doing exactly what she’s been accused of doing.

It’s time for Garcia to step down in shame. #YouToo


10 Comments on Vocal #MeToo Dem Politician Accused of Groping

  1. Yeah, I think she groped me, too.

    Well, maybe not … but the narrative is more important than the truth –
    She’s always crying and demanding sausage …

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. This ought to be interesting. Will the Democrat State Caucus demand that she resign? They sure as hell would be demanding a Republican’s head for the exact same social crime. If they don’t, and I think they won’t, then the double standard will be out there for all to see although being as how this is California nobody will give a crap.

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