W.A.R. Dubs Our President TRUMP THE BARBARIAN – IOTW Report


Wayne Allyn Root- via Gateway Pundit.

As usual the media and liberal critics of Trump have it all wrong.

Before I get to DACA and the wall, I will tackle Trump’s “offensive words” about Haiti and African nations. Trump called those countries by a crude name. He certainly could have chosen his words more carefully. But…who cares? He told the raw truth. As usual, he was right on the money. Trump said exactly (although perhaps crudely) what 63 million American taxpayers who voted for him were thinking.

Trump summed up the weakness of America- we’re far too nice. We think about everyone, but our own people and our own taxpayers. Why on earth would we allow the world’s poor, unskilled, desperate and dependent masses to come into our country, while we’re $20 trillion in debt? Those days are over. It’s time to be picky and choosy.

We don’t have enough jobs for middle class Americans. We don’t have enough money for poor Americans. We have no obligation or need to let in more people who desperately need to use up our resources and our hard-earned taxpayer money. It’s time for “America First.” It’s time for extreme vetting. It’s time to cut off “Visa lotteries.” It’s time to let in skilled craftsman from Norway, and business owners from China, and doctors from Israel.

We aren’t running a charity, we’re running a country.

As usual- Trump told the raw truth. Yes, he offended some people. So what? We elected him because he’s a bull in a china shop. We elected him because he’s a warrior. Call him “Trump the Barbarian.”

We elected him to drain the swamp and clean out the bad people and bad policies entrenched in DC. The truth hurts. Get used to it. Trump’s not going anywhere. He has a tough job to do, to set America on the right course. He might use a few tough words. Words I’ve heard on the streets of New York thousands of times- from liberal voters.

By the way, I’ve used words like that before myself- to describe what’s become of Chicago, Detroit and Baltimore.

By the way, liberals shouldn’t get too excited. Trump didn’t lose one vote with his “sh-hole” comments. I have many liberal elitist Ivy League friends. They all felt the need to tell me how terrible and offensive Trump’s words were. They called him “racist.” Guess what? None of them was ever voting for Trump anyway.

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21 Comments on W.A.R. Dubs Our President TRUMP THE BARBARIAN

  1. If this nation wanted an establishment appeaser, bipartisan wimp we would have gotten romney & ryan, guacamole’ YEB, winnsey gwahm or mclame.

    That’s not what we wanted, that’s not what this nation needed.

    Trump is exactly what we needed, I hope, sooner than later, speaker ryan and mcCONnell will figure this out.

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