WA: Muslim prisoner screams “Allahu akbar”, hits guard on head repeatedly with stool – IOTW Report

WA: Muslim prisoner screams “Allahu akbar”, hits guard on head repeatedly with stool

muslim prisoner beats guard with stool

Jihad Watch:

The only groups that vet Islamic chaplains for prisons have links to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.

FORKS — A Clallam Bay Corrections Center officer who suffered serious head injuries last week continued to improve but remained hospitalized Monday.


14 Comments on WA: Muslim prisoner screams “Allahu akbar”, hits guard on head repeatedly with stool

  1. I’m confused. It seems the muslim committed the crime, but if I was to come to that conclusion Hillary told me that’s a hateful thought. I guess the best thing to do in this circumstance is blame the stool, but why did the other inmates stop the muslim and not the stool? Racists!

  2. He needs a job.
    President Lazlo would give him one; he and all his terrorist friends.
    Testing Helicopter altimeters, and the math skills of Helicopter crews.
    Take the assholes up to various heights and throw them out.
    While Hadji is en route to the ground, the various crew members must time his descent, and calculate the height of the helicopter.
    If the math is correct, the altimeter accuracy can be independently verified.
    I think this could be an important tool for our brave fighting men and women to combat the forces of evil.

  3. Once Obhorrent leaves office, muzz chaplains should still be allowed to “minister” to prisoners, via closed-circuit TV that’s monitored by prison guards. Only a moron would consider it a “religion” at this point. Time to lose that status.

  4. Fuck the Wall! Take a cue from the Poles and guard the borders with soldiers with orders to start shooting these mindless, murdering muslims when they show up…
    then start workin yer way in to flush the bastards out!
    George Bush had me when he said “Flush ’em out”
    He lost me when he told us islam is the religion of peace!
    Peace is the last damn thing on their dirty agenda!!

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