Wait a Cotton Pickin’ Minute – IOTW Report

Wait a Cotton Pickin’ Minute

PHenry just sent an email saying he was shocked to learn that FNC’s David Bossie is on a 2 week suspension for saying someone was out of their “cotton picking mind.” He saw the episode when it happened and nothing racist registered in his mind.

It wouldn’t have meant a thing to me either.  And isn’t intent what it’s all about? (Ask James Comey.) If I use the expression, believe me, it would have nothing to do with blacks and everything to do with growing up watching Yosemite Sam and Foghorn Leghorn.

Just by coincidence I saw a Here’s Lucy episode (hey, a dear iOTWer surprised me with an Amazon Prime hookup for a year if I would “cut the cord.” I did. So I watch a lot of nostalgia TV.) the day this story broke and Lucy used the expression!

I found the clip on the innerwebz- Hop to about 1:30 mark. Note that there is a black woman in the background. If anyone thought this was a racist expression, I doubt they’d say it in the presence of a black extra on set.

Shouldn’t this clip be banned?? I mean, it’s just so heinous and triggering!!


39 Comments on Wait a Cotton Pickin’ Minute

  1. Makes me wonder how many bricks the Libtards would shit if you used the term, “in a coon’s age”? As in, “I haven’t seen you in a coon’s age”.

    As I remember it, our ancestors thought that RACcoons lived almost forever (don’t ask me). Hence, “in a coon’s age meant, “in a really, really long time”.
    But it would still be fun to watch Libtard heads go ‘splody when you use that expression around them.

  2. I really don’t think The term “cotton-pickin is in any way racist. Since when do african americans own the phrase?? My mom and grandmother picked cotton, especially during the depression.And when they used to relate to the experience, they would do it with pride, not shame. The whole (white) family would be out in the fields pickin cotton and they always told me about them cotton-pickin thorns, (which aren’t thorns but dried pods). I Absolutely wouldn’t apologize. Thats just someone playin the R card on him. Stuff gets old.

  3. Yeah but it’s apparently okay to shriek “f—” on tv and call the president’s daughter a “c—“.

    I’m sick and tired of being told what is and is not okay to say… old forgotten meanings being dredged up and newly objected to; new meanings of words being invented and coopted; pronouns being bastardized; ignorami grammar… Tyranny of the weak. Newsspeak.

  4. When you build things, sometimes parts get held in an assembly jig, drill jig, rivet jig, etc.
    There was a meeting where a black, not an engineer, someone who got into the meeting because of his skin color.
    He wanted to rename all the fixtures and remove the word jig from any nomenclature, if not for just the silliness, the cost alone was mind boggling. The FAA is real picky about stuff like that.
    I stood up and suggested we all go along as soon as they take cracker off all the crackers in the geedunk machines.
    After a little of nervous laughter, we got on with the real reason we were all there.

  5. We used to sing a song from our music book in second grade, 1967, “Cotton Needs Pickin So Bad”. It was a class favorite. I didn’t realize what demonic spawn we all were. My bad, time-warp negroes.

  6. I was at a high-level meeting a few years ago when my boss (from the south) meant to use the term “Survey Monkey” but instead slipped and said “porch monkey”. There was stunned silence for a heartbeat, then laughter all around. It could have been a career-ender, but instead was a very human moment that everyone laughed off.

  7. As much as a right as he had to say what he wanted, did he accomplish his point or win the argument by using that phrase?

    Nope. No one even knows what the discussion was about.

    All the attention went in the wrong direction.

    These people are supposed to be smarter than the average bear, not making own goals. I wouldn’t have used that phrase for anything, not in a political discussion for sure. Just like I wouldn’t have called anyone See You Next Tuesday. Yes I know that the two are not exactly in the same realm, but the point is the same…you can’t win an argument if you turn the attention negative and focus only on a word or phrase.

    We have to win the argument before we can change the rules.

  8. Horsesh!t, squeakywheel!

    That’s *exactly* the same cowardly argument the weasly, limp-wristed “we’re better than that” Jeb!/Nat’lRev neo-con losers make.

    Instead, you do EXACTLY what they do (read: FECKLESS C*NT)…tenfold. Then, let them whine and clutch pearls. Then, point out their hypocrisy, laugh and pass around the popcorn.

    This fail belongs 100% on the spineless FNC execs.

  9. Czar, Good morning!!

    So glad you got your coffee this lovely day.

    My point is not limp wristed, and if you knew me at all you would laugh to think I had any similarity with JEBbie Bush.

    It is as easy as this…why give the Left such an easy win? Why be so stupid as to use something you know they will scream about to change the discussion?

    Most people are not Donald Trump and cannot say marginal statements without it backfiring. And by the way, President Trump says marginal things purposefully, this guy said something he didn’t think was offensive because he is stupid. If you watch the video you actually feel sympathy for the guy on the Left.

    Is that what his goal was? To engender sympathy for the Left? To look like a racist? To look stupid? Well, he achieved all those things, and more.

    Like I said, no one even knows what the argument was.

  10. What are the name of those big nuts you get around Christmas? It’s on the tip of my tongue, but just can’t quite remember what they are called….something “toes”….

  11. sw, Your point is EXACTLY what Jeb!, Romney, McCain, GWB and the rest did: they SHUT UP (self-censored) for FEAR of being criticized. And it *still* failed.

    In contrast: SEE TRUMP.

    Conclusion: LET the Left rant. LET them rave.
    It’s the fault of FNC execs for folding.

    To follow your course of action, The Right would be SILENCED.
    We’ve done enough of that cr*p for YEARS, if not decades.

    But please feel free to keep defending the “we’re better than they are” crowd. Enjoy reading Weakly Substandard and such. Now, shut up and get the f*ck out of the way.

    See how it works?

  12. Czar, Now you are putting words into my talk-box. I never once said to “shut up”, and I can’t even believe you accuse me of defending the “we’re better than they are crowd”.

    I want to be a part of the “we’re smarter than they are crowd”. This jackwagon didn’t accomplish that goal for me.

    What I did say was not to give them ammunition that we know they get hysterical about. Unless you are a master like Trump–and almost no one is, don’t say things that will derail your point.

    This guy was either incredibly stupid and didn’t realize his statement would deliver serious blowback, or he was incredibly stupid in his delivery. Either way, incredibly stupid.

    I want smart people on our side to make smart arguments and not give the other side poo to fling in our direction. This little illustration flung quite a bit of poo FOR NO REASON, except to make the speaker look like a racist, and allow the Left to do what they do…conflate one idiotic statement with all of the people on the Right.

    For cyring out loud, I’m frustrated by how hard is it to find candidates with at least a modicum of self awareness and ability to use words to our benefit. The Left almost never changes their playbook and essentially broadcasts their intentions to the world. Remember Obama saying the wanted to fundamentally change America?!

    Why can’t we find candidates who will read their goldang playbook and beat them at their game?

  13. You misunderstand; THE LEFT wants US to “shut up.”
    I was treating you in the manner the left treats the right…
    …and then said, “see how it works?”

    *Smaht* people often don’t win…i.e. accomplish much.
    Get over your “need” to appear to be “smart” or to not “offend.”

    The Left will NEVER let you get past it; they INVENT cr*p to blame you with; don’t you get it?!? They start with what you “say,” and work their way up to wanting to eradicate YOUR EXISTENCE…or haven’t you noticed?! No, it seems you haven’t.

    Stop buying into the Left’s game.

  14. Czar,

    OMG I am laughing so hard. I’m “buying the Left’s game”?!

    Are you serious?! I “haven’t noticed” that they want me dead? Or better yet, I “haven’t noticed” that first they want all my money, then my submission to their will, and then ultimately my death? For crying out loud, you need more coffee or something.

    You sound angry, btw. Angry people don’t win arguments, but they like to fling accusations. You freely say you “treated me like I was on the Left” to prove a point. The only point you proved is that you are willing to pick a fight with me.

    We’re on the same side, just picking different tactics.

  15. I know a Guy that has a 41′ Apache Powerboat…The Name of the Boat?

    “No Reservations”

    It’s located in Oklahoma …Apache was born in Miami in the 80’s

    By a fellow named Bobby Saccenti…When asked what Tribe He was with

    He replied “Awopaho”

  16. if you let someone else define the rules of the game then you have to play by their rules not ours.

    don’t give in to it.

    it’s only purpose is to shut you up.

  17. I had a lefty, (who for the first time voted R for Trump) at work who when I said we can use the jigsaw he would say “stop it, you can’t say that you gots to say Afro-American saw”
    We both got a laugh out of that.
    To bad he kicked the bucket before he saw the maga.

  18. squeaky, you’re NOT on my side by promoting DECADES-LONG-PROVEN neo-con LOSER tactics. Angry? Only at trolls who pretend to “be on your side” only to undermine what’s to be accomplished with fatally flawed tactics.
    P.S. Learn English Comprehension before you comment on my posts in the future.

  19. I watch Black Sheep Squadron from the late 70’s with Robert Conrad.
    (He is still with us at 83…YEAH! )

    Anyway, his character Pappy Boyington calls the Japanese “rice balls,” which is likely historically accurate.
    I wonder how long until the show is banned?

  20. Like I said, you’re angry Czar. Too bad you are angry at the wrong people. I’m no troll nor neocon. I despise them, in fact. I am on your side but you are so angry you can’t see it. So be it.

    I’ll take your “kind” advice and I won’t comment on your posts anymore. Sadly, they have devolved into the last gasp of someone who’s lost the argument: name calling and using ad hominem attacks, just like the Left always does.

    Way to go…you’re sure to beat them with those tactics!

  21. @Czar of Defenestration July 2, 2018 at 10:18 am

    > you’re NOT on my side

    How dare you? How DARE you!?

    This is The United States of America! You DO NOT get to decide who’s on your side!

  22. I don’t agree Squeaky, in this sense.
    I understand what you mean by handing the left red meat, the consequence being we get off of offense and have to run defense.
    But your presupposing that the guy knew any better.

    I never thought of the phrase “cotton pickin'” as racist, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to sit around, wasting energy, going through my entire vernacular to prescreen what might be offensive to the left.
    You do that and we’ve lost.

  23. I also grew up with WB cartoons, “You just wait a cotton-pickin’ minute”…Never used the expression myself, but as a child, never considered it racist. Never made that weird connection. We grew up in good times. The time after real racism (post-racism) and the far left radicals (new racism), 1972 – 2000.

    Too bad you liberals had to ruin it for political expediency!


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