Wake Up, Infidels! – IOTW Report

Wake Up, Infidels!


ht/Ang Ray

8 Comments on Wake Up, Infidels!

  1. “But defending ourselves is so, so cowboyish. We have to live together, we have to work together. We have to be like Germany and the rest of Europe…..understanding. ” [sarcasm off]

    Pardon me while I puke.

  2. Meanwhile the leftists are pushing to further wimpify our kids in the quest to soften up the West. Preparation for take-over!
    No dodgeball
    Nothing “violent” … not even a pop tart!
    No “Microaggression
    Zero Tolerance for … you name it!
    White Guilt.
    They already have a pretty start with the pussification of a couple of generations now as it is!
    Look for the common threads!
    F^ck the Left!! Start fighting back!!

  3. The solution is simple: we need to kill them. Every last one of them, and their spawn which will grow up to do the same. And we need to scream to high heavens to our gutless congressmen/women and Senators to STOP THE INSANITY OF IMPORTING even more of them.

  4. Amen Ann,

    I have 8 sons, armed and dangerous, in Minnesota no less.

    4 daughters as well.

    Bring it on mohammedans! You Will Lose now and when Christ returns.

    muslims are so stupid, they are hastening their own doom.

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