Wake Up You Sleeping Giant – Randy Quaid – IOTW Report

Wake Up You Sleeping Giant – Randy Quaid

Maybe he’s not so crazy.

ht/ js

34 Comments on Wake Up You Sleeping Giant – Randy Quaid

  1. I have been saying this. That the left is waking the sleeping giant. The giant has always been the American people, not the government. FDR would have let Great Britain die. The American people would not. WAKEUP!!

  2. You know, if you think about it in realistic terms, this IS reveille. WE ARE the new FOUNDERS of our country – and we should heed the clue given to us at Lexington and Concord because the Founders would have been shooting by now.

    It’s just a matter of resolve. The right moment may be upon us sooner than we think.

    The communist democrats are in deep shit based on the panic in their eyes. I still expect something devastating to be foisted upon this country as a desperation move in order to create chaos and overwhelming circumstances as a distraction. At some point this plan will be executed by the evil doers and when it happens it should be the definitive klaxon of a call to arms by the TRUE intended rulers of this country; We The People.

    I’ll be fortunate enough to live past 30 seconds when the shit hits the fan, but it’ll be on my damn feet!

  3. I swear I hadn’t seen this when I alluded to Lilliputians in the Tennessee Commissioner thread. Must be something in the air.

    Tennessee Commissioner…That’s a country song waiting to be written.

  4. “I’ll be fortunate enough to live past 30 seconds when the shit hits the fan, but it’ll be on my damn feet!”

    Defeatist bull shit. Practice your craft. Post CW2, If Randy Quaid wonders into my camp, I’ll shoot him in the face. In 7 tenths of a second. He’s a loser. Always has been.

  5. I imagine he’s like John Brown reincarnated. Is there an important message there? I think yes. Is he nuts? I think very likely so. I want to here from him again before I decide for sure.

  6. Kinda like watching a Hollyweird audition for a part in a movie about a recluse marching the streets with a “The End of the World is Near” sign.
    Ironically, he still makes sense, despite the weido persona.

  7. He may be crazy but he’ll always get a pass from me. Cousin Eddie was one of the funniest characters in modern movies. I can replay his parts endlessly and still roll on the floor laughing.

  8. I want to see him do a follow-up. He walks out on stage, says “Morning.” Goes to a big stand-up map of the U.S. and points to Washington DC, looks at the camera and yells, “Shitter’s full!”

  9. Funny how a person can be branded crazy if they have some ideas that aren’t main stream or question the government or status quo but if you are a man and put on a dress and demand to be called Sally and live like a woman we are told we have to accept that otherwise we are haters. Who is really crazy anymore.

  10. Shouldn’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.
    “Big Pharma” keeps my blood pressure “normal.”
    We’re better fed than any city-state, nation, empire, or country in the History of the Universe.
    That corruption permeates every level of every gov’t in the country is inarguable.
    That corruption infects most corporations (I’m assuming) is more a comment on doing business in a coercive, over-regulated environment than on the corporations, themselves.
    Academia is a slimy convoluted mass of putrescence, greed, parasitism, dishonesty, and nihilism – and should, most certainly, be brought to account.

    There are 547 principals in this country who are responsible for most of the corruption, deceit, misprision, treason, intellectual pollution, and perversion of the ideals of self-government. No doubt they have many sycophants, followers, and hangers-on who gain substantially from their exactions, but few who really want to die for them.

    Other than that, I enjoyed the Hell out of it!
    Not spontaneous, of course, but well-delivered.

    izlamo delenda est …


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