Walker’s Plan for Unions – IOTW Report

Walker’s Plan for Unions

What’s not to love about Scott Walker’s (WI-R) labor reform proposal that was issued last week? It would do away with the NLRB and public sector unions as well as let workers decide if they want to pay union dues or not.


The left will breathe a collective sigh of relief if they can keep him marginalized and out of the presidential race.


7 Comments on Walker’s Plan for Unions

  1. I like Walker a lot, I’m surprised that he is tanking. I’d take him any day over any one of the others except Ted and Trump. The guy has got some stones and has every right to talk the talk because he’s done it with the heavy weights of the REgressives coming after him with everything they had.

    Trump should make him Sec/Labor-the ratfuck bastard there now, Perez, is a flat out communist.

  2. As long as the Chain of Command folds whenever a policeman has to shoot one of Obama’s sons, in order to save his own life, Police Unions are going to be a necessary evil. However, it irritates the shit outta me to see Police Unions fund communists, er, skuze me, democrats.

  3. “The left will breathe a collective sigh of relief if they can keep him marginalized and out of the presidential race.”

    They don’t yet realize that President Trump is going to make Walker Secretary of Labor. I guess they weren’t listening when Trump said he’d hire the best people to solve problems.

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