Walmart Calls Authorities For Family’s Bath Time Photos – IOTW Report

Walmart Calls Authorities For Family’s Bath Time Photos

This is a nightmare.


In 2008, the couple took their three daughters, then ages 5, 4 and 1½, on a vacation to San Diego. They snapped more than 100 photos during the trip, like parents do, including several of the girls playing together during bath time. When they returned to their home in Peoria, Arizona, they dropped the camera’s memory stick off at a Walmart for developing.

Within a day, a police detective came knocking.

A Walmart employee had flagged the bath time photos as pornographic, the detective told the parents. One showed the girls wrapped in towels with their arms around each other; another showed their exposed bottoms.

On Tuesday, after a series of defeats in the case, a federal appeals court affirmed what the Demarees have argued all along: that their children were taken from them for no good reason.

“The social workers did not have reasonable cause to believe the children were at risk of serious bodily harm or molestation,” a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit wrote in a 47-page opinion. “Therefore, viewing the record most favorably to the Demarees, the defendants acted unconstitutionally in taking the three children away from home without judicial authorization.”

The decision, which came nearly 10 years after the parents’ initial encounter with police, revived the case against the two social workers after a lower court dismissed it in 2014. That court ruled that the social workers, as employees of the Arizona government, were entitled to “qualified immunity,” meaning they were protected from liability in lawsuits arising from their professional duties.


ht/ fdr in hell

11 Comments on Walmart Calls Authorities For Family’s Bath Time Photos

  1. “But the San Francisco-based 9th Circuit panel disagreed, ruling that the social workers presented no evidence that the children were at risk of sexual abuse.”

    Am I reading this correctly? The insane 9th circuit actually made a reasonable ruling?

  2. As a psychologist and pastor I have met very few “Social Workers” who didn’t have an agenda or who were obnoxious busy-bodies wanting to get involved in others lives in a management relationship.

    Most are extremely progressive – for example if the children had been older the workers may have advocated the opposite idea – that the parents were limiting their children’s sexuality or some such.

    Most seem to view their jobs as community organizers.

  3. Speaking of Walmart, did you catch this story? A lady is suing Wally because they had their cosmetic and hair products for African-Americans locked behind sliding glass doors and she felt discriminated against because she had to ask a clerk to open it for her.
    I worked for Stop & Shop in Hartford, Conn, a $h!t-hole sanctuary city run by democrats since the 1960’s, and you would not believe the amount of theft that took place on a daily basis. Cigarettes were in locked cases. Baby formula was in locked cases because the drug dealers would steal it to cut their produce. It occurs to me that the reason her beauty produce were locked up is because there was a high incident of theft of these products.
    And guess who her attorney is, Gloria Alred of course. Give me a break. Is there no ambulance this woman will not chase?

  4. What happened to the busy body idiot Walmart employee?

    When we were kids, bare butt photos were expected.
    Freaking libidiot nosy so and so’s.

    Well, I hope they don’t see the pictures of my kids…..
    My daughter with nothing on but my step father’s welding goggles. Or the picture of one of my boys when my daughter put one of her dresses on him. Or the picture of my other son in his underwear, on roller skates with a bike helmet on his head.
    Or maybe the one with one of my boys sharing his plate of food with the cat on the floor.

  5. There was a photo in our family album with me in a tub with my 2 older sisters, I was standing tall and proud.
    My parents would have been tossed in jail today.
    I wonder where that pic went?

  6. The “social workers” should be put to death for abusing their “authority,” lacking discretion, and destroying a family.
    Whoever upheld this travesty should suffer the same consequences.
    This bullshit “immunity” for abuses under color of authority is what allows this type of nonsense to proliferate.
    A couple of timely (and very public) hangings would curtail these abuses.

    And the hiring of dullards and morons by gov’t should, really, be discouraged.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. KNOWN PEDOPHILES (homosexuals) can adopt and have children, but straight couples can’t have cutsie photos of their own biological children’s bare bottom.

    Liberal sharia law.

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