Walmart lays off 450 from headquarters – IOTW Report

Walmart lays off 450 from headquarters

WHAS: Walmart laid off 450 employees at its headquarters in Bentonville, Ark., Friday as part of a plan to increase its competitive edge.

walmart home office

The cuts were announced in an internal memo sent to both Walmart and Sam’s Club employees by Walmart CEO Doug McMillon. The cuts apply across the organization, to people in salaried, management positions, said Walmart spokesman Greg Hitt. Walmart has more than 18,000 employees at its headquarters. more

6 Comments on Walmart lays off 450 from headquarters

  1. I quit going to Walmart due to having to step over the dirty diapers in the parking lot. The only fun part was chasing the wetbacks that would take my shopping cart. ” No chingas con este, pendejos!” I would always do something to the cart so I could identify it, like tying a couple of knots in the belt.

  2. Yep, that 5.1% unemployment rate is is a real number. Ask around your circle of friends and see how many are unemployed or underemployed then ask your friends to do the same thing. Everybody will see soon enough the huge BS numbers coming out of Washington. Up here in the Great White North we have a 7.2% number which I think is far closer to reality.

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