Walter Mondale Dead at 93 – IOTW Report

Walter Mondale Dead at 93

Reagan was not going to exploit, for political purposes, Mondale’s youth and inexperience.

To Mondale’s credit, he cracked up at the Reagan witticism.

22 Comments on Walter Mondale Dead at 93

  1. I don’t have much that is good to say about Mondale but when you watch that clip, he at least had a sense of humor. I can’t even imagine any current Marxist even smiling much less laughing.

  2. More and more – in politics, sports, entertainment and at home – people from my youth are dying off. This was always so far out in the distance that I never thought about experiencing it. But it is here and and now.

    This has nothing to do for any special feeling that I have for Mondale – I’ve never even thought about the man until this thread – but rather, for some reason he just triggered a reaction to all the other relatively recent deaths of people from that era.

    Mortality is setting in. I’ve even survived cancer, but haven’t thought of my own mortality until I see others around me.

  3. Him being human, I acknowledge his passing and hope he knew Jesus.

    Knowing he was a Dem, which means the worst for America, I’m not that sad he has stopped being an enemy of all that is good.

  4. “Wuddup guys? OMG, aren’t those the Kennedys? Adolph, nice ta meetcha. Whew, sure is hot here. You look like.. of course you are, Margaret Sanger, how could I forget you? And you’re uh, my idol, Stalin, Joseph Stalin, right? And your name is? Marx, Carl. Of course it is, nice to finally meet you sir. Say, where’s Castro? Anyone seen Fidel? Hey, who’s that red guy with horns and cloven hooves, sportin a trident, standing in the middle of a cauldron glaring at me? I don’t get it.”

  5. Mansfield Lovell,

    With respect, Carter is the epitome of a liberalized southern Baptist. The denomination (not every individual member) began to slide leftward well over 50 years ago and is now completely unrecognizable. Carter fits right in.

  6. @Mansfield Lovell: No one could be any worse than Carter. I lived the Carter days. As a young parent of 2 small children, it was tough – IMHO it was hell. I voted for Reagan, Trump was a close second to Reagan for being a great President. We wouldn’t know if Mondale would have been better than Carter, history didn’t get repeated until Biden stole the election. Now we’re living the Carter days all over again but worse! WTF!


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