Walter Reed Chooses Holy Week to End Catholic Pastoral Care – IOTW Report

Walter Reed Chooses Holy Week to End Catholic Pastoral Care


For Catholics, this is a very special and significant time. Holy Week marks the end of Lent. It begins on Palm Sunday – a week before Easter.

During Holy Week, Catholics participate in the Passion of Jesus Christ – marking his arrival in Jerusalem and leading up to his crucifixion. It’s a very powerful and significant time for Catholics and all Christians.

So, you can imagine how taken aback a group of priests were when Walter Reed National Military Medical Center terminated their two-decades long relationship during sacred Holy Week.

The priests had been providing pastoral care to sick and dying vets for twenty years, and that all came to an abrupt end with a cold “cease and desist letter” from Walter Reed. More

19 Comments on Walter Reed Chooses Holy Week to End Catholic Pastoral Care

  1. “Catholics and all Christians”
    Sorry not trying to make people mad, but Catholics are not Christians and Christians are not Catholics.
    We follow Jesus and they follow Mary. They worship saints we worship Jesus.

    Mat_23:9  And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven. KJB

  2. Walter Reed Military Medical Center….Isn’t it true that there are no atheists in a fox holes?…..I don’t think that Jesus gives a shit which building delivers the message to you. Sometimes a muddy fox hole will do….

  3. And what if a patient wants a Catholic priest for…..reasons? Is Walter Mitty hospital going to deny the patient’s request?
    VA, going downhill. And quickly.

  4. Little Toenail:
    Not mad, just trying to be a bit more precise…
    Catholics ARE Christian. They HONOR Mary and VENERATE saints, both of whom provide EXAMPLES of how to WORSHIP Jesus.

    As for Walter Reed Medical Center, did they fire the Imams during Ramadan too? And the Rabbis during Passover? And your Protestant Christian pastors during Holy Week? And the nondenominational Wiccans of Woke ever? Just checking…

  5. Thanks to GWB’s Canucks! had you nor fabricated 20,0000,000 Joe votes Don would be President!

    For those too poor “To take out your wallet and pay attention!”! GWB’s Canucks are DOMINION! Canadians they’re; but GWB runs the show! Which is why the leftist John Roberts said”NO STANDING 13times between 8/20 and 2/21!

    NO STANDING my ass!

  6. Little Annie:
    I understand what you are saying, however why do Catholics dedicate themselves to Mary every year? Our ordained Baptist Pastor Geoffrey Grider was raised in a Catholic school K-12 grade and will tell you outright, Catholics are not saved but instead belong to the church of the deceiver. They follow mans doctrine and not the inspired word of God.

  7. Little toe nail
    Catholicusm is THE original and only true Chrustian church. All else that pretends to be Christian is basically herecy.
    Our church started in 33ad, all others by some huckster who thinks they know more about our Lord than the apposyeles while putting on a nice empty speech making sure the hat gets passed around while taking 10% of your income under the pretense of “tything”.
    We worship The Father the Son and the Holy Spirit, we venerate Mary.

  8. Right after the debate on religion is finished I believe we should move on to gun control and the wonderful subtleties of politics and how our betters should control us…

  9. “But the poor Sister is quite harmless;” and Valguanera rose, stretching himself. “My servants say she wants a mass said over her, or something of that kind; but I haven’t much love for such priestly hocus-pocus,—I beg your pardon” (turning to me), “I had forgotten that you were a Catholic: forgive my rudeness.”

    “My dear Cavaliere, I beg you not to apologize. I am sorry you cannot see things as I do; but don’t for a moment think I am hypersensitive.”

    “I have an excuse,—perhaps you will say only an explanation; but I live where I see all the absurdities and corruptions of the Church.”

    “Perhaps you let the accidents blind you to the essentials; but do not let us quarrel to-night,—see, the storm is close on us. Shall we go in?”

    R.A. Cram, 1895

  10. Stop to think:
    No, I did not learn at the Academy of Catholicism. But through the preserved word of God contained in the King James Bible.
    Ecc_8:4  Where the word of a king is, there is power: and who may say unto him, What doest thou?
    According to this,
    2Ti 2:15  Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 
    As Luke said in AD65, after seeking Saul
    Act_11:26  And when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.

  11. Ha! Anonymous (12:13 am): Ralph Adams Cram certainly had a front row seat to the “absurdities and corruptions of the Church” and yet managed to design some inspiring church buildings.

    But back to Little Toenail:
    There are probably similar proportions of saints and sinners in all denominations (among the clergy and the lay faithful) as in the general population. But for all their (and my) faults and imperfections, I think most religious institutions and people are a benefit to society and keep it from devolving into the utter hedonism and self-interest that the secular world promotes. Because the enemies of Christianity view us as all on the same team, I think we would be wise to do so as well.


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