Wanna See Mike Huckabee Kick Time Magazine’s Butt? OK! – IOTW Report

Wanna See Mike Huckabee Kick Time Magazine’s Butt? OK!


3-10-17 12:05 PM EST: There are several bones I have to pick with Mike Huckabee, which after picking, would be tempting things to jam in his eyes…that is if I could clearly see him for all the beams and/or logs in my own.

However, this is not really about him, but about what he specifically says in this video clip about Time Magazine’s latest cover story, which of course is a ridiculous hit piece confusing both his and most of our own contempt for the press (Time Magazine included) with contempt for Democracy itself. That contempt for Democracy resides within themselves. That’s just how things work atop hypocrisy’s peak and up Alinsky’s ass.

Read the rest and watch the video HERE.

4 Comments on Wanna See Mike Huckabee Kick Time Magazine’s Butt? OK!

  1. That was an excellent clip of Huckabee. And it’s so easy to see todays’ ‘journalists’ are the same dweebs coming straight out of our wonderful elite colleges today.

  2. Time Magazine is a waste. So are most of the people in D.C.
    I believe the project to show support for Trump by sending a post card is being hijacked by libtards. Surfing the web this morning the local D.C. trash liner The Daily Gazette is calling to send an anti Trump card instead and many hit pieces on Trump from liberal news outlets and shitface-book. The MSM is dead to me, has been for some time.I turned off cable TV for that reason.

    I plan on sending a MAGA card of support. He needs to know we have his back and won’t let him down like the Republicans in the house and senate have.

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