BFH ReBumped – Want Something To Do? – IOTW Report

BFH ReBumped – Want Something To Do?

Claudia, Claudia, Claudia. What can I say? When a few donations came in within ten minutes of each other I thought something was up.

For the record, Claudia’s post was very prescient without fully realizing why. Or maybe she intuitively knew. Isolation might not be the only reason to be thinking about us at this time.

Naively, it never dawned on me what this dempanic would do to ad revenue. Well, we’ve known now for a couple of months – advertisers are not paying anything when they have no customers to consume their wares.

It’s nearing crisis here, as a result. We have the permanent link on the right side bar, but we’ve hardly ever made an overt post asking for help. It takes a lot for me to ever do that. But… here I am.

My hope is that a lot of modest help, that no one individual will feel the pain of, will be the elixir.

Thank you, as always, to the greatest community on the interwebz. -bfh


I have a terrific idea. Why not look for the “CLICK FOR GIFTING” image? Can you find it? Good. Now, think about clicking it and sending Fur a little love.

In this time of isolation, I have relied heavily on the news, companionship and comfort this website gives me. I think that maybe you all feel the same. I’m fortunate that I don’t live in a van down by the river and I do have a little extra love I can bestow on Fur.

Now, if you are a “cousin” of Joe Dan Gorman, I understand. You can say a prayer and good wishes for Fur and this website. You can also promote it if you frequent any other social networking site or link stories in emails you send to your friends and family.

Thank you all, friends. And, shhhhhhhhhhhhh, don’t tell Fur. He might bluster because he doesn’t like to ask for money!

38 Comments on BFH ReBumped – Want Something To Do?

  1. Brilliant! Let’s recognize him as an Essential Employee of the readership!

    And note: one time donations are good but I find it hard to give what I think would be ‘enough’ so I ‘subscribed’ with a little monthly drip that I hope adds up to something real over time. I don’t notice it each month but I hope if a number of us do that, it adds up to some little sense of a regular income.

  2. I am a monthly guy. Have been for a while. If you get lots of enjoyment consider joining us. I should probably bump my monthly some.

    But if it gets to lawn care level then I will expect some trimming around here. This place has gone to hell.

  3. It would be great if we could all put in enough that BFH doesn’t have to worry about keeping things going. I help a little bit each month and Mrs RadioMattM likes to help out from time to time. I can’t help every site that asks but I feel at home here so I should pay some rent.

  4. I give $5 a Month…But then I steal $6 a Month from the iotwr

    Break Room…(Mostly in TP and Sweet n Low….)

    Not to rat on anyone…But MJA donates a lot of Condiments

    from Fast Food places that no longer exist…

    Who doesn’t want some Ketchup from Sandy’s and Maid Rite.

  5. @ Joe6pak – I like to consider IOTW a cross between a hootenanny and a barbecue, and sometime after work BAR.

    Going to talk to Mary Hatch bout this…she is all in for continuing house renovations and upkeep.

    @BFH – wish we were close enough to barter. I am a decent painter myself, as in walls, ceilings and trim. Could also do the exterior although getting on a tall ladder??

    YOU would have to ‘foot it’, stabilize the base, for those in Yor Belinda.

  6. Oh gee, this is a difficult time for us all. Trying to figure out what needs to be done around the house and with what funds $$$. Ghost is great with getting it down. Makes me crazy sometimes LOL!

  7. As of now all I can afford is well wishes and my prayers.

    But if it ever gets to the point when Fur really needs some financial aid… I’ll send the word out and try and gather some dough. ;b

  8. Inside of 2 weeks? The government is planning on giving me some of my own money back to me, so I finally got off my ass and donated….I’ll ignore the vigorish to come….for now….

    Certified Chinese virus free….

    All my goats have passed on to Goatville so I won’t be gettin’ checks for them…LOL…

  9. Brown Eyed Girl: I don’t know how you can increase it without deleting the old one and starting again. I simply did a second one so there are two equal payments a month. Spreads it out a bit that way.

  10. BFH will just have to deal with one large yearly contribution from me, that way fees don’t eat into what he should otherwise get. Paypal charges a percentage fee in addition to a transaction fee. If you pay monthly that’s 12 transaction fees that would otherwise be contributed. He’s grown up enough to spread it out himself.

  11. I gave at the office. So, I’m sending toilet paper, instead. Also, my great-great grandmother died.

    No, I didn’t. Honest… I ran out of gas. I… I had a flat tire. I didn’t have enough money for cab fare. My tux didn’t come back from the cleaners. An old friend came in from out of town. Someone stole my car. There was an earthquake (in Idaho). A terrible flood (in Mississippi). Locusts (in the Middle East)! It wasn’t my fault, I swear to God!

  12. @ willysgoat
    They burned that $ change $ years ago. They went digital, the only difference is we’ll just have to pay more for everything if you can find it. PS- you need a new goat.

  13. OK, What the hell, can’t take it with me when Covid-19 gets the best of me.
    $5 a month, I could afford more but I am a cheap bastard.

    If the payments start bouncing, I died and left this madhouse world.!

  14. @RadioMattM, now that’s a good idea/ Once i come out of my morning stupor I think I’ll give that a try. Much better than sending a dollar a day to feed the starving dictators in Bumfart.

  15. To all,
    I have a fear as I’m writing thank you notes that many use “burner accounts” for PP that they don’t necessarily use for corresponding.

    I hope that is not the case and that any one person gets overlooked.
    I can’t express enough the gratitude and the appreciation for how the community has stepped up.

    It’s like the end of It’s a Wonderful Life, except, we can’t all be piled in a room together.

  16. Ouch, that conversion rate and PayPal’s fee stings. God I hate PayPal. Way too many lefty douches made their fortune from that company and have gone on to trying to spike the Constitution. Anyway, held my nose and hit return.


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