Want to Improve Your State? Pass an Anti-LGBT Law! – IOTW Report

Want to Improve Your State? Pass an Anti-LGBT Law!

AT: This week Mississippi passed their own religious freedom bill, House Bill 1523, which has been repeatedly dubbed the ‘horrific anti-LGBT law’ in the media with promises to make the lives of LGBT citizens an oppressive living nightmare. Naturally, like all other religious freedom bills in the country, LGBT citizens are not even involved, let alone discriminated against.

clutch the pearls

But the narrative cry is so loud no one is capable of grasping this simple and logical point. As with North Carolina and Georgia, Mississippi is being threatened with federal funding withdraws and many large companies ranging from Disney to PayPal have declared they will not do business in the state any longer. Several states have also halted official state-funded travel to the offending states.

The left, of course, believes this kind of intimidation will force the hand of the governors to back down on their respective laws, and they are likely correct. Withstanding the tsunami of liberal outrage is a challenge few in any officials can handle. The boycotts will continue and the left will grow more outraged and more dramatic. Sobbing and terrified LGBTers will continue cranking out article after article detailing their imagined discrimination while absolutely none ever occurs.

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8 Comments on Want to Improve Your State? Pass an Anti-LGBT Law!

  1. You mean,
    Defy the idiot lawmakers who listen to idiot doctors who pander to the idiot left in defying common sense treatment for very disturbed mental patients will get the global corporations to leave, the Federal poison of free money to go away, and stupid ass musicians who think that they have grand vision due to their exalted status will go elsewhere to pretend to care about fairness?
    F*ckin-A let’s do it.
    I am sure Bruce will refuse and donate in perpetuity, all revenues earned in North Carolina from radio play, downloads, and records sold etc., because that money is tainted with bigotry and Bruce is a guy who stands on Principle.

  2. Bruce is so principled that his vast estate is considered a farm/ranch (due to the dozen of so grazing livestock) for which he pays nominal property taxes like actual farmer.
    Similarly, Bonjovi also Living on a MisInterpretation.

  3. Menderman, that was one of the most brilliant and pithy statements I have ever read concerning the left. I have borrowed and posted it on FB. Keep up the good work.

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