WaPo categorizes story on Brett Kavanaugh coaching girls’ basketball again as ‘public safety’ – IOTW Report

WaPo categorizes story on Brett Kavanaugh coaching girls’ basketball again as ‘public safety’



11 Comments on WaPo categorizes story on Brett Kavanaugh coaching girls’ basketball again as ‘public safety’

  1. As the parent of a girl in a girl’s basketball program we would have been honored to have someone like him coach the team. We had two guys who were rats just a few years ago who used a brother’s cancer (if you lose his cancr’s coming back) against them. They were far more dangerous then you’d imagine when we saw the girls cry.

  2. It’s called a “smear”, not a “scandal”, you little NPC bitch. I’d also enjoy beating you senseless with your own laptop, just to make you understand what Public Safety really means.

  3. Prediction: Some asshole leftist bureaucrat is going to put Kavanaugh in the Sex Offender Registry, just so his name and address pop up in a search, and some asshole journo at Wapo is going to be tipped off, so they can write a story about it. It will all be a big joke, and nobody will be fired or go to jail.

  4. Even the Post wouldn’t have tried this somewhat subtle attack against the Judge before Bezos bought the joint. I’d bet cash he told the editors to go ahead and mount up on the left wing attacks against anything conservative (or that he doesn’t like). It’s time Amazon was broken up into separate companies with now cross ownership. Bezos has far too much power.

  5. scr_north –

    ** Bezos has far too much power. **

    Yup, and every time people buy through Amazon just adds to it.

    Therefore, i don’t…

    FB, Twitter are catching heat, but Amazon/Bezos aren’t. I guess people like the convenience


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