WAPO – Everyone wore masks during the 1918 flu pandemic. They were useless. – IOTW Report

WAPO – Everyone wore masks during the 1918 flu pandemic. They were useless.

WAPO said this. WAPO!

During the influenza pandemic of 1918, officials often advised Americans to wear face masks in public. Doctors believed that masks could help prevent “spray infections,” according to historian John M. Barry in his book, “The Great Influenza: The Story of the Deadliest Pandemic in History.” Enforced by local health officials, the facial coverings grew routine. Often, Red Cross chapters fashioned and distributed the masks that were “seen everywhere and would become a symbol of the epidemic,” Barry wrote. Americans used the masks as a method of retaining some normalcy during a pandemic that killed at least 675,000 Americans and 50 million people worldwide. It was the only aspect of the catastrophe discussed with any humor.


They concluded that the masks were useless because people didn’t know how to wear them.

That’s why we need mandatory plastic bubbles around our heads!

Or cellophane layers inside the three mask technique!

Pssst. Masks don’t work because people are stupid. I agree, It’s what I’ve been saying all along. We are all as strong as our weakest link. Our problem is we have a majority of weakest links. (I know, that’s not correct math… but kinda is.)

13 Comments on WAPO – Everyone wore masks during the 1918 flu pandemic. They were useless.

  1. The masks are very effective. They turn every-day citizens who don’t wear them into villains. They give superpowers to Karens and hall monitors (who are usually very small people). They divide and confuse the masses so much that no one asks the important questions, ie: “Why haven’t we nuked China for starting this?”.

    Looks like a win-win-win. Very effective.

  2. I wear a mask when I “have to” (to keep a business from getting fined by the communist government, for instance; but they can’t make me wear it right. I will pull it down under my nose so I can breathe whenever I feel like it. On the other hand, I have already had Covid (according to the test I had in early January) so I can’t catch it, nor can I spread it. So what’s the point?

  3. If the masks work, then why are we social distancing?
    Because masks don’t always work.
    If Social distancing works, Then why are we wearing masks?
    Because distancing doesn’t always work.
    IF masks AND social distancing work, Then why are our businesses closed?
    Because people refuse to wear a mask.
    If we can stand in line at the grocery store,
    Then why can’t we stand in line to vote?
    Because people refuse to wear a mask and social distance.
    But nobody said you can’t stand in line if you want.

    Because it’s not about the virus, it never was.

  4. It is going to go where it is going to go period. Closing down acts as a delay but creates the misery that Hillary Clinton’s hero Saul Alinski says is critical for radicals to cease power.

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