WAPO Makes Unintentional Statement About Global Warming Orthodoxy – IOTW Report

WAPO Makes Unintentional Statement About Global Warming Orthodoxy

In a story about the American diet and its impact on overall health, WAPO said:

“it suggests just how difficult it can be for new evidence to see the light of day when it contradicts widely held theories.”

No kiddin’?

Interesting article.

ht/ petrus

6 Comments on WAPO Makes Unintentional Statement About Global Warming Orthodoxy

  1. “It doesn’t matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn’t matter how smart you are. If it doesn’t agree with experiment, it’s wrong.” — Richard P. Feynman.

  2. A hoax is devoid of “evidence” – physical or otherwise – that’s why it’s a FUCKING HOAX!

    Globaloney Warming (Climate Change) is a HOAX – and everyone in the scientific community knows it – whether or not they admit it depends on their gov’t (or corporate) grants.


    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Accurate scientific inquiry into proper diet or global warming, are both corrupted by politicians. Who will promote whatever gives them more power or fills their reelection fund with cash.

    The fed gov recommended diet isn’t based on proper scientific research into needed nutrition. It’s based on the amount of money the food industry lobbyists donate in exchange for a recommendation to eat more of the food they produce.

    Global warning is worse. The politicians will only fund grant money that finds “settled science” research that gives them more power to take your money and control your life. Setting the stage for more donations in exchange for funding windmills, and solar power plants.

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