WaPo Quietly Admits FBI Found Nothing Nefarious or “For Sale” in Raid of Trump’s Home- CONVENIENTLY After the Election – IOTW Report

WaPo Quietly Admits FBI Found Nothing Nefarious or “For Sale” in Raid of Trump’s Home- CONVENIENTLY After the Election


Soooo … that means Trump WASN’T selling nuclear secrets to our enemies, right? Never Trump, hardest hit.

Interesting how we see this story from WaPo AFTER the midterm election. Granted, Trump was not on the ballot HOWEVER, plenty of candidates he endorsed were. Sort of like the convenient timing around the Hunter Biden laptop story. Before the election, it was RUSSIAN DISINFORMATION then after the election, OOPS, it was a real story and there is likely something there but moving on.

Seeing this from WaPo a week after the midterms. Typical.

From WaPo:

That review has not found any apparent business advantage to the types of classified information in Trump’s possession, these people said. FBI interviews with witnesses so far, they said, also do not point to any nefarious effort by Trump to leverage, sell or use the government secrets. Instead, the former president seemed motivated by a more basic desire not to give up what he believed was his property, these people said.

5 Comments on WaPo Quietly Admits FBI Found Nothing Nefarious or “For Sale” in Raid of Trump’s Home- CONVENIENTLY After the Election

  1. FiBbIes
    Federal Bureau of Incompetents
    Fumblers, Bunglers, Idiots

    Keep it goin’


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