WAPO says WWlI Vets Were Racists – IOTW Report

WAPO says WWlI Vets Were Racists

The Lid-

The Washington Post is discounting America’s win in World War Two because American forces were all “racists.”

I guess that we now have to delete America’s part in World War Two from the history books to suit liberal sensibilities just like we are erasing statues to military people all across the nation.

The attack on the Allied Forces in WWII came in an idiotic liberal article with the unwieldy title of, “Allied leaders were anti-Nazi, but not anti-racist. We’re now paying the price for their failure.”

The article by a foaming-at-the-mouth lib named John Broich — who claims to be a teacher at Case Western Reserve University — noted that the Allied Forces were responsible for attacking Nazism, but added that the Allies were really “just like” the Nazis.


These over-the-top racism accusers must harbor some pretty dark opinions about minorities. The overcompensation is just way too suspect.

Who pisses on graves with a broad mist like this?

He’s telling me my veteran dad was a racist? I’d love to have a nice short conversation with Captain Longhead.

ht/ woody

29 Comments on WAPO says WWlI Vets Were Racists

  1. I suspect Broich has never served his nation or any nation. His time is spent serving himself and writing articles that fit the progressive narrative hoping to gain a full professorship at a little known (little “u”) university.
    To use a broad brush on all who served in WWII is an insult.

  2. When the Germanies got back together, I knew there’d be trouble. Look now, they’re about to cause WWIslam because of all the illegal alien trafficked terrorism.

  3. No doubt we’ve come a long way since then, but allow me to point out that those “racists” won WWII for us and without that there would have been NO Civil Rights movement!
    So long as yer re-writing history with opinion Mr. Perfesser and trying to blow smoke up other people’s asses… Stick THAT in yer ass and smoke it!!

  4. Late to the party!~

    Ive said here many times the last few years the NYT said Jarheads were white nationalists in ’43 – ’45. The Times felt sorry fo the Japs.

    I reread many of those articles on Microfilm between ’57 + ’60. I thought my dad and uncles were fibbing. HOw could an “American” paper hate America. Well I was wrong, the Times did root for the Japs! 75 years ago! Still hate America and Americans; 75 years later!

  5. The Washington Post is a Communist, anti-American publication. And that is its one and only objective, to help destroy the USA in any way it can.

    Although FDR had the Japanese in the USA interned at the beginning of the war, young Japanese American citizens were allowed to join the US Military to fight for their country in the European theater.

    Go For Broke – Starring Van Johnson

    More than 33,000 Japanese Americans served during World War II in the US Armed Forces. Most served with the US Army in all-Nisei units led primarily by Caucasian officers.

  6. We only interned as far East as Idaho. The rest of the Japanese American community in the states were as free as anyone else.

    But I am curious, does not this professor realize how hated the Japanese empire was? They ravaged China for a decade before WWII. Korea was annexed and it’s people slaughtered. From Burma to Port Moresby the Japanese empire exterminated entire peoples.

    Did you know all those WWII movies set in the Pacific used Chinese actors to play the Japanese characters? Because no Japanese American would put on the Japanese uniform. Doesn’t he get it? Even the Japanese in America hated Japan.

    The average American knew all this. The average American also followed the headlines. Like the headlines about Wake island. Sure, we won the battle of Midway, but Wake was captured, the Marines taken prisoner and the civilian contractors held as slave labor before being killed….a couple of hundred of them.

    Stuff like that tends to piss people off.

  7. Time for a new law, if you have not served, you can’t vote or hold office. There take that you azz!! Who do you think has been giving their lives for you???? Lets walk up near that cliff for a moment and talk…

  8. Try and tell that to 4 of my Uncles who were WW 2 vets, they’d all come back, 2 were in the Navy, one was an Army paratrooper and sniper and my mom’s older brother a Marine and they’d all gladly come back and kick their ass. They could all be bad asses when they had to. So would my dad USAF 1947-50 and my father in law a crew chief on B29’s during the Korean war.

  9. Wa-Po headline, August 7, 1945:


    The article quoted Truman, Nimitz, and MacArthur.

    Truman: This is the end of the little yellow, buck-toothed, eyeglass wearing sons-a-bitches dreams of taking over the world.

    Admiral Nimitz: That’ll make those yellow bastards remember Pearl Harbor.

    General MacArthur: Those midget gooks got a taste of what we white men can dish out. They’d better not try again.


  10. @Perry – I’m all in favor of a Timocracy! Great idea! If only veterans and current-serving military got to vote we’d see a lot fewer assholes in Congress, Senate and the White House.

    We’d never have had a Clinton or an Obola screwing things up. Yeah, Trump wouldnt have been POTUS but then again we’d have no Swamp, no Deep State, no housecleaning needed in the first place

  11. “I guess that we now have to delete America’s part in World War Two from the history books to suit liberal sensibilities…”

    …way ahead of you. One of the reasons I pulled my son out of his public school years ago was that they didn’t teach WWII AT ALL. He wouldn’t have known about it to TELL me if I hadn’t told him about it myself when he was younger…

    …they DID have a lot of made-up “history” about African kingdoms no one ever cared about to cover, though, so SOMETHING had to give…WAKANDIA FOREVER, or something…

  12. Well Gee. WaPo can go FT for all I care. My Father in law got blown off a destroyer in the south Pacific by a Kamikaze attack, right off his machine gun position. A black crew member grabbed two life jackets, and jumped in the water after him. At one point after the war, he opened up a second hand store in Paris, Kentucky, and hired a black guy to work for him. The folks in town ran his entire family off….including my wife who was ~12 at the time. I guess thats’s what happens when you’re a racist WWII veteran.

  13. WaPoo – Has always been.
    Hacks Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein created their lazy non talented ‘story’ from a porno movie at the time, Deep Throat.
    Wished they would update it to ‘just give me a Bezos’.

  14. I do believe this article is right where it belongs, next to “A disposable coffee cup somehow made its way into a ‘Game of Thrones’ scene” article.

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