Was Trump’s “loss” a global conspiracy? – IOTW Report

Was Trump’s “loss” a global conspiracy?

Rumble — Italy and many other nations collaborated in stealing the election, and remove President Donald Trump from office. Why?

This may be the most important video documentary I have created so far.

It reveals with stunning confirmations from the highest levels in military, judicial system and election integrity organizations that NOT ONLY did the Italian military, government and American embassy in Italy steal the U.S. elections, but also OTHER NATIONS collaborated in a worldwide attempt to overthrow President Trump.

The question is: why would nations around the world unite in an all out war against America and President Trump?

The answer is given in this short but very revealing video, that shows the real threat to our world, and explains why we are experiencing today what is going on.

see here

ht/ Dr. Jay

23 Comments on Was Trump’s “loss” a global conspiracy?

  1. I am glad the the pretext that we have a free country is over with. Trump whether it was intentional or not has shown us that China and other globalist interests has bought and paid for our political class right down to the city level. It is now out in the open for all to see that our “freedom” has been mostly an illusion for many years. They have gradually made us complete financial serfs slaving away in our own country to support a globalist economy and the chains that they have bound us with are now utterly unbreakable. We will never accidently win another election. I am glad that my children are gone because what they would have faced is unwinnable and is hopeless.

  2. Great information that arrived way too late.
    So who would we notify in government that isn’t likely already aware of this and is going along.
    Other than a few people nobody was on the make america great again train, in fact most were opposed.

  3. I’m thinking about selling the house and going faraway from the Washington BS. Set up in some honest country, if there is one, and make room for the grand family. The America I used to know doesn’t smell or look to be the same as I remember and its recovery looks dark and bleak. Our scum, who failed to lift one thin finger, in Washington have failed us in a major way.

  4. Don’t throw in the towel just yet, Trump is way too crafty to let this just go unchallenged. You know he’s got to have something up his sleeve and you may not see it happen until the day before…you know, the thing.

  5. Full Auto JANUARY 14, 2021 AT 6:31 PM

    How to become the most popular commenter on the entire site…
    (if not the internet)

    Identify this “honest country” so we might also consider the migration.

  6. “Was Trump’s “loss” a global conspiracy? ”

    Ya think? The special class enjoyed his hotels and golf courses and special invite dinners, but they hated him as President because “he’s an outsider and doesn’t belong in the special club.” Which made him the best President in modern times, can’t be bought by the grifter crowd. Yet the “they” manage to always

  7. AMERICA is still the greatest country in the world. Trump has awakened the people as to what was/is going on. Record show that 75 million people believe in Trump and in America. If 10% of Trump votes were stolen, then that number is 82 million people.
    Other countries hate America because we keep giving their people hope. How many people in China even get to see the internet?
    Big Tech here is trying to follow China’s example. They have proven that the truth is a dangerous thing, as they are trying to kill it.

  8. Full Auto – If you’re also considering incorporated U.S. Territories…

    American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands

    …you might need a boat.


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