Washington: Public Elementary School Educator Accused of Sexually Assaulting 2 Minors at Temporary Childcare Center – IOTW Report

Washington: Public Elementary School Educator Accused of Sexually Assaulting 2 Minors at Temporary Childcare Center

Gateway Pundit: An educator at a temporary childcare center to help essential workers during the coronavirus outbreak has been arrested on accusations that he sexually assaulted two boys last week.

Bryan Neyers, 23, was working as an educator at the temporary center at Lake Wilderness Elementary School in Maple Valley, where the two incidents are said to have taken place. He normally works as a paraeducator at Glacier Park Elementary School, also in Maple Valley, where he assists teachers in the classroom.

Neyers was arrested at his home on Friday under investigation for rape of a child, child molestation and fourth-degree assault with sexual motivation.

His alleged victims are just 7 and 9 years old. read more

17 Comments on Washington: Public Elementary School Educator Accused of Sexually Assaulting 2 Minors at Temporary Childcare Center

  1. I blame it on the Politically Correct Assholes who hired him in the first place!! I find it hard to believe that there is nothing in his background or demeanor that would have tipped them off.

  2. …everyone who’s been here a little while knows that I only have a few jokes, so I get all the milage out of them I can by repeating them any time it seems appropriate. I apologize up front for that, but this will be one of those times.

    Sort of.

    One such joke that I tell frequently, as recently as last night, is usually as a response to “What do you want?” (for dinner, for your birthday, from the store, whatever the impetus the question that launches it is “What do you want?)

    My almost invariable answer to that is, “To be 20 again with a LOT of decisions to make over.”.


    …well, every time I see one like this, there’s a decision I made in my 20’s that sometimes, like now, like when I see an article like this, that I think I should have made differently.

    I was on a run to a rape scene, where a girl had been violated by a fellow who had been to that well before, as I was soon to find out. He usually got away apparently, but on this occaision Dads had walked in on events, and he, the police, or both had marked this guy up a bit, and he was given the option of “Jail or Hospital”. I don’t need to tell you which one he picked, they ALWAYS pick “Hospital”, but you know that anyway because it wouldn’t be my tale to tell if it weren’t. We were the 92 unit, 91 had been dispatched to handle the actual victim, and we were the lucky boys that got the rapist.

    This guy looked to have a concussion and probably a broken wrist and dislocated shoulder (not for me to say, but not unusual when a LEO pulls an arm up behind the back, eh, “enthusiastically”), and so wasn’t really in a position to offer a lot of resistance even if there WEREN’T glowering LEOS around with nice pistols and PR-24s (pre-Taser, still legal to give a wood shampoo, which they had probably ALREADY did, hence the concussion). Ours is not to reason why, so we packaged the guy up, maybe not as gently as usual, maybe not, but put him in the cot and loaded him on the magic bus to General, which is where they preferred we take stable wards of the State since they were better equipped to handle them. Kind of a long ride and no great excuse to use the lights and sirens, so we set out with LEO in tow for our 20 minute ride to the Hill.

    I was the box guy that night, so I was alone with this…well, I AM trying to be nice here, not for HIM, but so I don’t shame my Lord as I OFTEN do when discussing these matters, so I’ll just say this waste of flesh, this reprobate mind, this scum in human form, this fu…no, I’ll stop there, you get the idea. Anyway, there he is and there I am.

    You wouldn’t know this from my long comments, but when it comes to TALKING, socially I’m a wallflower. I am not normally garrulous, which is one reason I write so much, I’m not much of a talker. That said, I did develop a persona I used when in my professional office because I leared that talking put patients at ease and drew out things that helped in their care, and was certainly less worrisome to them then silently riding along and taking an occcasional BP wihtout preamble, so I learned a patter that put folks at ease. It was kind of a character I played, and it was part of the compartmentilaztion I developed to keep from going crazy with all the BAD I saw out there, THIS was me in the ambulance, and THIS was me at home, and never the twain did meet. It got me by, and was good for my patients.

    Or for other purposes.

    On this occasion, I wanted to find out some stuff about what the guy had done for the 91 unit with the victim, and knew that whatever could be got by yelling had already been got by the LEOs, so I went into my my bedside matter, chatting him up, putting him at ease, getting him to trust me. I don’t know if it was by the grace of a God I didn’t know yet or his concussion, but it worked.

    I got info on the violation, the hell, the suffering he put his young victim…WHO TRUSTED HIM…through, and passed a note to my driver who relayed that (without the repeater) to the County, all the while continuing to wear my “Trust Me” mask and REALLY wrestining the the urge to scream or throw things or just fucking muder this bastard.

    Cause I wanted MORE.

    I won’t drag what he said into the light of day, I ain’t crazy about reliving it myself, but he topped even THAT with his NEXT statment, which is when I found out he had done it BEFORE…was PROUD of it…and would do it AGAIN.

    My mask froze, but my mind raced.

    I was alone with this asshole.
    He was defenseless, and strapped to a cot with his shoulder and arm tied down.
    I had a Buck knife in my rescue holster, always did, still do.
    He had an exposed throat and no reason to fear me.
    Also, I was not raising a family, hadn’t even MET She Who Would Be My Wife at the time, so no one would lose out if I “went away” for a few years.

    This is the part where I sometimes find myself wishing I could do it over again.

    I did not strike. I did not kill. I did not rid the world of him.

    I did not know God then, so I couldn’t pray, but at the same time did not fear the Lord as I should, so THAT wasn’t it. God knew ME, I have seen many times since then that He had protected me during my service as it fit His plan even though I knew Him not, so perhaps He was guiding me even in this.
    My parents had done their job well, too, inculcating in me pesky things like “morals” and “ethics” and “your word is your bond”, so there was that.

    And I had taken an oath as a healer.

    Additionally, somewhere along the line I had also picked up something about fighting like a man,and stabbing a helpless guy strapped to a cot didn’t qualify, pervert though he be.

    Not to mention the LEO behind us. Were I to plant a blade in this guys trachea, he might get a little curious when we got to the hospital and found him quite bloody and dead, and would probably be obliged to question where the knife came from, why I had an open flap in my rescue holster, and about the blood on my hands. Wasn’t really fond of the idea of going to a jail myself, I was in my 20’s then, 160 pounds soaking wet, and probably would be found “kinda pretty” by OTHER rapists.

    But mostly, I trusted the system. I had no reason NOT to at the time, after all, I was PART of it, even wearing it’s UNIFORM.

    …so, he arrived at the hospital with his evil and his life intact, never even realizing that i was NOT his friend. Believe me, the prosecuter got a full report on the conversationo we had and my squad notes, which they were able to square with the injuries to the girl I had never seen as a patient, so that probably helped the process. In any case, he never went to trial, but pled out.

    …And got released a short time later.

    And disappered. No manditory pervert tracking at the time.

    I learned some things about the system then, none of them very nice. And I learned something I was to hear again about pedophiles,they have NO regrets, are actually PROUD of their crimes, and will do it AGAIN and SAY SO…and if deprived of a penis, a broomstick will do.

    Yes, they are THAT bad.

    I should probably close there, without getting into what I’d do with that lesson, were a similar situation to arise somehow. I don’t do that job any more, but I HAVE saved lives as a civilian too, so one never knows where life may lead, so I don’t want to say something that may come back to haunt me later…

    …This person in this article is the same. A peodophile is a pedophile is a pedophile. THIS guy set it up so he could be WITH kids, pretty sure that wasn’t an ACCIDENT.

    There’s only ONE cure that I’ve EVER seen work for a pedophile.


    They seem to recidivate with literally ANYTHING less.

    …It is said the Lord can use ANYONE, and that we must give even such a one as THIS a chance to repent. I have no way of knowing, perhaps he will, perhaps even the one I describe did, I lost track of him so I’ll never know this side of the Pearly Gates.

    But somehow, I doubt it.

    This is the thing I struggle with the MOST in my Christian walk. I know what the Lord wants. I know HE can save ANYONE.

    …but with everything I’ve seen, everything I’ve dealt with, with the screaming of the victims still in my ears even across the ever-widening chasm of Time, I’m not sure I could do His will in this again,if given the choice, and that may well damn me for my lack of forgiveness…

    …This is where I’d normally say to pray for everybody. Certainly pray for the victim.

    …But my Lord wants me to say pray for the MOLESTER, too. And I’m still too weak, I can’t do that now. I leave that to YOUR conscious.

    There’s a movie called “The Shack” that goes into this in some detail. It’s a very well-done, Christian movie about just this type of forgiveness. I like it a lot, and I recommend it, and may watch it again tonight.

    But my wife didn’t know me then, and there are SOME tales I’ve never told her even after 30 years, and this is one of them. She doesn’t understand why I am infatuated with this movie.

    I’m kind of not sure why myself. It teaches forgiveness, not murder.

    Perhaps I’m hoping to find forgiveness for others, even THESE others, in it.
    Becasue that’s the ONLY way I can find the Lord’s forgiveness for myself.

    May God Bless all that have to deal with this scourge of Man.

    and may God Bless those that survive it.

  3. Remember when we never heard of these people? Some existed, but knew better than to be open about it, let alone get caught acting on their perversions. Too afraid of rough justice that would be meted out. I miss those days.

  4. SNS – Interesting. Thanks for sharing. That’s exactly why I said: “I find it hard to believe that there is nothing in his background or demeanor that would have tipped them off”
    This Dipshit didn’t just wake up one morning and think to himself: “Ya know… I think I’ll diddle a child today” He’s wired that way! Always has been and always will be! The proof is out there for anybody to see if they just look, but Political Correctness abhors the truth!

  5. Pretty sure that if legislation were passed making it an option to turn molesters over to any interested party willing to deal with them however they see fit, we’d find a lot fewer degenerates in our midst.


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