Waste of Carbon Swings on Crucifix and Breaks Arms – IOTW Report

Waste of Carbon Swings on Crucifix and Breaks Arms

Michael Patzelt, 37, of Attleboro, was arraigned Wednesday in Boston Municipal Court on a slew of charges including assault and malicious destruction of property.

Prosecutors say the crucifix outside of the Cathedral of the Holy Cross in the South End sustained around $20,000 worth of damage. 

‘Boston police received a radio call for a person who was hanging on the cross at 1400 Washington Street,’ a prosecutor told the court. ‘He caused significant damage to the cross.’

A video circulated on social media shows the suspect, dressed in green and sporting a large backpack, grabbing the legs of the statue and swinging left to right before losing his grip and careening to the ground.

The prosecution asked the judge to hold Patzelt on $500 bail, but that amount was swiftly increased when the judge asked his attorney: ‘Counsel, is this an issue of a depraved heart or a very sick mind?’

The judge referenced Patzelt’s criminal record, which included ‘seven pages of committed time’ and ‘a 10-page Florida record’ full of similar charges to the vandalism rap.

‘I’m going to set a $5,000 cash bail,’ the judge said. ‘If we’re dealing with a mental illness, let’s get to the bottom of that ASAP.’

Patzelt’s attorney told the court that he is out of work, homeless, and ‘remorseful’ for his actions.

18 Comments on Waste of Carbon Swings on Crucifix and Breaks Arms

  1. I read the headline and was hoping it meant he broke his OWN arms.

    Oh well.

    Maybe next time.

    Or maybe some MS13 guy can help him with that where he’s going.

    In this life and the next.

  2. Kcir,
    I was thinking the same. Nail the perp up to replace the statue. Hands, wrists, and ankles. THEN he can be “remorseful”.

  3. “Patzelt’s attorney told the court that he is out of work, homeless, and ‘remorseful’ for his actions.”

    Then he can sell his organs and pay for the damages (useless sack of you-know-what).

  4. I was disappointed it wasn’t his arms that broke. That title is correct, but clickbait. Worked on me! lol

    And no, he is not remorseful for his actions. It’s just all he can say to try to get out of trouble.


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