Watch: Fauci, Without Mask at a Mask Required Event, Says It’s Inexplicable Why People Won’t Wear Masks – IOTW Report

Watch: Fauci, Without Mask at a Mask Required Event, Says It’s Inexplicable Why People Won’t Wear Masks

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12 Comments on Watch: Fauci, Without Mask at a Mask Required Event, Says It’s Inexplicable Why People Won’t Wear Masks

  1. It’s not ironic when it’s a display of rank in society.

    He’s above peons that aren’t in on the game.

    I think that’s a part of why so many little tyrants popped out accosting non-wearers. “How dare you take the position you’re above me! I shall bring you down!”

  2. Fuck Fauci, the CDC, the NIH,the media, Biden & the rest of the Covidiot’s on the planet. People are DONE with this bullshit & have been for 2 years. The petty little wanna-be tyrants got a taste of nearly absolute power & will NOT give it up until regular Joe’s start telling them to fuck off & to stuff their mandates.


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