WATCH: Kamala Harris GONE – Fox News Reports Mystery… – IOTW Report

WATCH: Kamala Harris GONE – Fox News Reports Mystery…

10 Comments on WATCH: Kamala Harris GONE – Fox News Reports Mystery…

  1. All her assistants have gotten outta Dodge.
    Gavin Newsome travels to the White House while Biden was traveling.
    She has nothing on her schedule
    Cue up Gavin Newsome for VP.

    … Then Jackass Joe has a medical event (like he isn’t one already)
    Aaaaaannnd Voila! we have a new President that no one voted for!!
    Can’t wait for his pick of VP!
    (can yew say Stacy Abrams? Sure… I knew ya could!)

  2. Kamala is observing the passage of time. She is at some resort observing the passage of time. Time passes and she enjoy watching the time pass. Mixed drinks allow the passage of time to slow so she can observe it. It is so important to mark the passage of time. How intelligent of her?

  3. She is a blithering idiot, every time she opens her c0ckholster someting stupid comes out, besides the pubes and white stuff she coughs up constantly to remind everyone how she got her job in the first place.

    of course they are keeping her out of sight. She’s just plain embarrassing.

  4. The Harris woman wearing cheapo turd-colored polyester pantsuits and comically fake litttle-girl voice is in hiding since she knows she’s aging-out. The main reason why many hollywood hollow-heads ‘suddenly’ disappear with nary a word.

  5. The Harris woman wearing cheapo turd-colored polyester pantsuits and often employing a comically fake litttle-girl voice is in hiding since she knows she’s aging-out. The main reason why many hollywood hollow-heads ‘suddenly’ disappear with nary a word.

  6. The less we see and hear of Ma Harris the better off we are as for old Liar senile the feeler Joe he can hardly talk or walk so whos in charge ? Sioux City Sue Rice or is Odumbo the big kahuna who knows all anyone knows is the Feeler doesn’t have the brains to do anything he is off in wawa land somewhere.


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