Watch video of an avalanche cover part of Interstate 70 in Colorado – IOTW Report

Watch video of an avalanche cover part of Interstate 70 in Colorado

DC: ABC News shared a terrifying video of an avalanche in Colorado Sunday night.

The avalanche consumed part of Interstate 70, and the video is downright mind-boggling. You can see it off in the distance moments before it’s covering the road.

Take a look at the video below. It’s jarring to say the least.

9 Comments on Watch video of an avalanche cover part of Interstate 70 in Colorado

  1. It was 80 here yesterday and I should send some clips of heatstroke victims so I can show you poor bastards living up that way it’s not all a bowl of cherries down here either. Haha

  2. Keep your hurricanes and tornadoes and earthquakes. I live in avalanche country. Unlike all those other natural disasters, avalanches can be fought.

    With dynamite.

    How sexy is that?

  3. BB

    How stupid do you have to be to fuck with a grizzly bear? Those morons deserved to that bear’s breakfast. According to the description under the video, they woke it up from hibernation just to fuck with it. I wish that bear woulda taken that cocksucker’s face off when he took a swipe at him.

  4. BluesJunky

    That was the short version. These clowns woke that bear up out of hibernation and decided to run him for quite awhile. I was definitely hoping the bear would have got a hold of one of them.
    If you’re gonna be a bear, be a Grizzly.


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