49 Comments on Watch: Woman Screaming For Help is Abducted in Front of Men Who Simply Watch and Do Nothing at All
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Not many “real” men in Salt Lake City…. Ask Mittens.
New rule: OK to manhandle and abuse as long as there is a relationship.
“We don’t know what the circumstances were and it’s important not to judge.”
So says a
social workercraven apologist for savage behavior.I dunno, could end up like this guy.
Considering how we are constantly told that we should leave such actions to the police, they are now upset that it was not left to the police?
If those men did act and they hurt the criminal, the men probably would have been charged with assault — and convicted and we would h@be been tut-tutted that we should not take the law in our own hands.
Does a phone call count?
A picture of the dude?
When you have people being assaulted and buildings being burned, while Police stand around and watch, you can’t expect much more from the general populace.
Another point: As many cops will tell you, when you intervene in a domestic dispute, you more than likely, will have to fight TWO people; the perpetrator and the victim.
Brad, I’d like to think being in Colorado had a lot to do with that (bad quality cop) but I’m just not sure anymore.
About a year and a half ago I left the shop late and swung into the local gas station. I made my purchase and as I’m walking out there’s a black guy, holding an infant, violently swinging him around in an effort to keep him away from this you white girl. She’s screaming “Give me my baby”. So it’s 9:30 at night. The gas station faces out toward a big parking lot, beyond that a strip mall. Everything’s closed, the parking lot is vacant, not a sole in sight except the combatants. So I duck my head back through the door and tell the girl behind the register to call 911, tell them there’s a domestic dispute going on and there’s an infant involved. Dude was in a highly agitated state and I’d already made the decision not to go confront him. Here’s the amazing part. After I get through telling the cashier to call 911 I step back out side and there’s no less than 6 women filming this with their phones. It was like a children of the corn thing. They just appeared out of no where. I can tell you if you want the coppers to show up quick just mention the word infant.
The guy I go to to get my carry permit renewed is a Post Certified trainer. Now retired Sacramento County Sheriff. He tells everyone, if you have a gun in your hand when LE show up, you are going to get shot. Since he retired he’s become really negative on Law Enforcement.
Call the cops and get the plates. But if you step in to help a woman in this situation, there is a good chance she’ll turn on you for “attacking her man”. Woman made this situation with their crazy ass bullshit behavior.
“Help me!”… “Fuck you!”… “Help me!”… “Fuck you!” <- Women
We have made a culture and a set of laws that make it impossible to do the right thing in a situation like this.
When I started driving in the early 60s, my father warned me of the fact that if I tried to get in the middle of an altercation between a man and woman I likely would get beaten or killed by both. My job puts me in situations were I see numerous altercations of this nature and I found my father was right. Then our justice departments are so corrupt that the guy and woman would likely be released and I would be arrested. Now, I will help a lady, but I am very careful.
Wait until she is hurt/bleeding bad enough so that she can’t attack you. The kid is the hard one to wait on though. Yeah, call the cops and stay out of court and the hospital. A 2fer.
Bullies suck.
You’d have to punch the guy to get him to stop, then you’d end up being sued.
“They were in a relationship, she was fearful because this has happened to her before.”
Aaaaand what do you wanna bet she’s gonna wait for him while he’s in prison’ish?
I was at a small rodeo and a 1,700 lb bull jumped into the stands. The women, children and pussies were heading for the tall grass, the men and teenage boys were on the bull like stink on shit and there were quite a few of em who tackled the bull.
It is how you are raised. I was at the snack stand when it went down, but saw most of it.
How many of these bystanders have it all on video but they can’t even scream out STOP or WTH are you doing. Depressing reality people are too into recording life instead of living it.
Let’s see how that social worker (the major terrible students who want an easy job choose) would like it if she was in trouble and no one helped.
Those people could at least of yelled at the guy.
Nope. Never will I ever intervene in a domestic dispute. Too many domestic “victims” are codependent and will attack the rescuer.
Not to mention a rescuer ending up fighting off an enraged attacker.
I’ve seen this happen many times.
Instead, I will call the police and let them deal with the situation. You have to use wisdom.
Also, I’ll pray for the safety of the police and for the out of control couple.
Look, I’m sure this is all explained in the Book of Mormon….
I don’t exactly understand the compulsive allure to stand there and take video footage of something like this when 10 other people are doing the same thing… it’s like are you going going to show it to others and brag about being a pussy or just get off on watching it by yerself??? I know one thing, I couldn’t do that!
Get involved in Canuckistan and also get charged.
And remember, Males are Toxic.
As Freddy Mercury sang,” this is the World We Created.”
@99th Squad Leader
That is exactly what happens more often than not. Next thing you know your fighting The male, His Buddy who was in the car, and the THOT.
@Joe Smith
Would that be the current version of the Book of Mormon or the 1830 version? There have been thousands of changes to the original version. Maybe you forgot but you and your co-conspirator Oliver Cowdery did testify under oath that your 1830 version was “the most correct book” in the world.
Man throws me over his shoulder, I reach down, grab his shorts and pull up hard with every fookin’ ounce of strength to get back to my family alive and intact. Or rip his ears off.
Back in Mississippi in the 60s you would get your ass whipped for saying “shit” in front of a girl.
No kidding. What a world we’ve become. The wolves rage among the sheep.
izlamo delenda est …
thin line between good Samaritan and sacrificial lamb
why didn’t everyone have their cell phones out taking a video???? I see it all the time when everyone are taking videos of other crazy stuff they don’t want to get involved but they HAVE to take a video and put it viral!!!!???
Say prayers everyday!
God Bless us all!
I grew up in Mississippi in the 50s, you didn’t even think the word in front of a woman. That is why I never understood women’s lib, they were considered royalty, why give that up.
Welp, I guess I’ll end up killed someday, because I’m going to try and do something. It’s who I am.
You have no legal obligation. Most women have long since abandoned men. Time to abandon them.
Me and mine. everybody else eh… To all the keyboard charles bronsons I bet you wouldn’t do shit either. That dude pumping gas could have 3 kids in the vehicle or 10 kilos of cocaine. screw all the smooth brains who so confidently monday morning quarter back internet videos.
Glad you get it, Kcir (cause I give a kcuf).
In a moment of weakness, a while back, I tried to help a “victim” of domestic violence who was knocked down, in public by her attacker.
I was ignored, while the victim went after her attacker – who proceeded to knock her, the victim down again.
After that, I was out of there as I heard sirens in the distance. Buh-bye, fools.
No, that’s not how it always goes. However, domestic disputes are unpredictable. Still, I wanted to live another day without being in jail or the hospital.
I thought women were equal to men …. why are they in the military , police , and fire departments , all standards were lowered to let the lie stand , they are not equal to men …
Well, to be the Devil’s advocate, why would men step in? Women claim to be EQUAL to men. They have spent decades now proclaiming that your help is not necessary and many will get angry if you TRY to help.
After 26 years as a LEO, you can bet your backside you WILL have to fight both of them. And you’ll get hurt. Even if you don’t get arrested for getting involved, you’ll get dragged into the court case and open yourself to civil suits by the suspect or victim.
I now understand why everyone just stands around with a cell phone now and not reacting to the situation.
Ladies, you can thank your situation on your androgynous, gender bending, man-hating, militant feminist sisters. Folks longer feel the need to come to the rescue. There are no more damsels in distress.
Well, to be the Devil’s advocate, why would men step in? Women claim to be EQUAL to men. They have spent decades now proclaiming that your help is not necessary and many will get angry if you TRY to help.
After 26 years as a LEO, you can bet your backside you WILL have to fight both of them. And you’ll get hurt. Even if you don’t get arrested for getting involved, you’ll get dragged into the court case and open yourself to civil suits by the suspect or victim.
I now understand why everyone just stands around with a cell phone now and not reacting to the situation.
Ladies, you can thank your situation on your androgynous, gender bending, man-hating, militant feminist sisters. Folks longer feel the need to come to the rescue. There are no more damsels in distress.
Help? Naaahhh, Im too busy looking for the perfect angle to video it at so I can be first to get it up on fakebook and twatter.
Chompa, I’ve done a bunch of shit that could have caused me harm, but if someone needs help I’ve always attempted to help.
As for the videos, a big pet peeve of mine are parents who video their kids getting hurt, what kind of sick person are you to see your kid hurt and video it instead of helping your kid?
Mormons run Salt Lake City likenthe mafia. If they citizens thought this kidnapping was Mormon “business,” they stay right out of it.
With all the 100lbs. ass kicking females portrayed in movies and on television they probably thought she would prevail.
Some men have no tentacles.
Happened at the worst place. She was found safe and that is the best part.
Musta broughter back home so she could finish making his sammich!
everyone responded appropriately. this grown woman is in a relation with this grown man. this couple likes cave people drama. more drama to come–i am sure.
Seems to be a lot of cowards out there afraid for themselves. What if she had been their sister, daughter, wife? Would they just sit there like the passive Eloy in the HG Wells novel Time Machine while the Morlocks devior them?
And what if She was a recidivist meth addicted child sex trafficker who jumped bail?
Mind your own business.
Well, according to the LDS, in the afterlife each man is a god over his own planet, and his wives exist solely to produce souls for the beings he creates on that planet.