Watching Videos and Not Knowing Why – IOTW Report

Watching Videos and Not Knowing Why

The other day I was watching rehearsal videos for We Are the World. I have no idea why.

The Bob Dylan one is… well… watch for yourself.

I love how they convince Dylan that what he’s doing is fantastic. He even knows it’s pretty dodgy.

In the various rehearsal videos was one with James Ingram.

It was reported today that he died of brain cancer at the age of 66.


26 Comments on Watching Videos and Not Knowing Why

  1. I truly enjoyed a number of those “artists” coming up. Cyndi, Lionel, Huey….. even Bob in some of his early stuff. I couldn’t make it through 45 seconds of the Bob video. He reminds me of a very deluded family friend who passed away a few years ago, believing that he was the rock and roll king of Southern MD (and beyond)…. perhaps he was once good, but by 60 he was pathetic and horrifying.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. I was amazed watching the second video. Michael Jackson blew them all out of the water effortlessly. Always on perfect pitch. Always ready. Why oh why did he have to keep cutting up his face? He looked very handsome here.

  3. Bob Dylan never could sing. Even when he was young he sounded like an old man whining at kids to get off his lawn. To me, anyway. It was only his poetry that made his songs sound great. That’s why a lot of his material was made famous by other people singing it.


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