Water Barrels That Assist Illegal’s Trek Over the Border Are Disappearing – IOTW Report

Water Barrels That Assist Illegal’s Trek Over the Border Are Disappearing

Yes, yes, human rights activists claim this water is for people legally claiming asylum. That’s bullshit. The water is in places that avoid border patrol.

Also, the people who leave the water are encouraging a dangerous trek. Who is more benevolent, the person who says stay in Mexico, there is no water on this deadly journey, or the person that says it will be there and then it’s not?


As one of the worst heat waves on record rolls through much of the southern United States this summer, authorities and activists in South Texas found themselves embroiled in a mystery in the arid region near the border with Mexico. Barrels of life-saving water that a human rights group had strategically placed for migrants traveling on foot vanished. Usually, they’re hard to miss. Labeled with the word “AGUA” painted in white, capital letters, the blue 55-gallon drums stand out against the scrub. The stakes of solving this mystery are high. Summer temperatures can climb to 110 degrees in Texas’ sparsely populated Jim Hogg County, notes the AP. Migrants—and sometimes human smugglers—take a route through this county to circumvent a Border Patrol checkpoint on a busier highway about 30 mile east.

The group No More Deaths in 2018 released video of Border Patrol agents kicking over and pouring water out of gallon jugs left for people in the desert. For now, the mystery about the barrels’ disappearance remains unsolved. But Meza plans to continue his work. “If that was intentional, that’s a pretty malicious thing,” he says. “You’re saying, ‘Let these people die.'”


17 Comments on Water Barrels That Assist Illegal’s Trek Over the Border Are Disappearing

  1. The suspicious “wildfires” everywhere are a mysterywrappedcin an enigma, inside acriddle never to be solved. But them missing human traffickers’ water barrels? Heaven and earth will be moved to find the answer.

  2. Why doesn’t the article mention the cartels and their vicious control of the border? What better way to control the flow of all illegals than making sure those who try to bypass the cartels die of thirst in the desert?

  3. This gladdens the cockles of my black flabby heart.
    I hope that the water barrel removing perps are never found.
    Maybe……add a little “something” to each barrel instead….like….a diarrhetic.
    Or, even just paint a large skull-and-crossbones “veneno” (poison) on each barrel.
    Or, do like all good big-game hunters do. Stalk the game around the water hole.
    In this case, migrants = illegal aliens = game.
    Happy hunting.

  4. Encouraging, aka, inciting unlawful acts.

    Just off the top of my head I can see a hundred charges of unlawful acts. Most are federal and state felonies.

    Each participant, even if only in a support role, of the group placing the water barrels should be indicted for literally hundreds of criminal charges.

    Knowing of the commission of crimes, any U.S. citizen could involve themselves in the apprehension of said conspirators who act to defraud the people of the United States. Too, rendering the barrels useless would be towards maintaining law and order.

  5. “You’re saying, ‘Let these people die.’”


  6. Those “human rights activists” are nothing more than societal lowlies who are undereducated, stupidly gullible, laughable naive, kick the canes from under their grandparents, cruelly abuse their kids, steal from their parents, burn their pets alive and are generally regarded as life’s failures and rejects.

  7. “You’re saying, ‘Let these people die.’”
    No, we’re saying “No one invited YOU. Entering illegally demonstrates criminal intent. Go back where you came from & do it legally.”


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