Waterpick -Gate – IOTW Report

Waterpick -Gate

There are some whispers that Ben Carson’s best friend, Al Costa, a dentist, defrauded the government by submitting dental billings that never took place.

Carson testified on his behalf for leniency and a judge gave the guy probation instead of the ten years he could have received.

Part of Carson’s campaign calls for very strict sentencing for medical fraud.


The man remade himself into a commercial real estate investor. Carson invests with Costa and makes between $200,000 to $1,000,000 a year. I don’t see a problem with this. One thing has nothing to do with the other, unless they can prove the Costa guy is like, ohhhhhh, I dunno, Barack Obama’s TONY REZKO!!!!!

Give me a break.

8 Comments on Waterpick -Gate

  1. I see what they did there; They led with the laughably false West Point Stray Voltage last Friday, and they dumped the release of Hillary’s bombshell NDA down the Friday Weekend Memory hole while we were tearing Politico a new asshole.

    But I am still trying to figure out why this Costa story didn’t break right before the last debate. Must be some more bad news for Hillary on the way.

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