Hope you remembered to set your clocks ahead one hour! 😉

Title was: “Can’t Wait For Spring”
Images from:
1) Bayouwulf (Penny)
2) LadyGun
3) JustAl
4,5) Dee
6) Bob
7) Tim
8) Jane
9) RickeyG (Esther)
10) Reiuxcat
11) sTevo
12,13) Sturge
To submit your critter pictures for a future Sunday Critters, please email them to:
- A picture you/family/friend took and agree to publish here. NO images found on the internet.
- ‘Critters’ in the subject line.
- Your screen name.
- Your critter’s name (or species, if not your pet).
- Comments about the critter you want to share.
NEEDED: If your picture is for any of the following themes, please name the theme.
3-16 Is It Spring Yet? – Please have your pictures in to me by FRIDAY at NOON – Critters playing in snow or smelling Spring flowers and confused as to what time of year it is!
3-23 Critter Faces – Let’s see pictures of your critter’s faces! Theme idea from Old Guy.
3-30 Random iOTWr Critters – Send in your pictures!
Thanks, Claudia!
Wonderful collection, as usual – great way to kick off the week!
The dog better not mess with “Kung Fu Bunny”
Thanks for the memories. I haven’t seen some of those names for a while.
BTW – what happened to 4 & 5? (Sorry, I’m an engineer. I notice details…)
Thanks for catching that!!! I guess I shouldn’t do this late at night!!! Doh! – Claudia
It made my heart sing to see Penny at such a young age! And that reminds me, I need to take the crew back to Cades Cove soon. This photo was taken at the intersection of the Cades Cove Loop and Hyatt Rd, where this large patch of yellow daffodils can be seen and they are spectacular!
Thanks for the memory, Claudia!
4 & 5 Cheech the bunny was an outdoor bunny who lost his life on a highway he had not been known to travel to before. The pooch was the neighbor lady’s who was tied up so Cheech would get just as close as he could to taunt it. When our neighbor had to go to a nursing home the mutt was given to a family with a bunch of kids in another town by the lady’s daughter. The cat 6 was a male Missy I thought was a girl, a found kitty who lived to be about 19 and a half. He’s only been gone about a yr. We moved during the time of his life 3X, last time he still was an outdoor guy and when he was about 15 or so still beat up invading cats and was a good mouser in our basement. He lost a few collars but I still have his things sitting around.
I’ve been to that Cades Cove, a special place.
3 is a beautiful dog! They’re all great.
It’s a beautiful day here too!
Great pictures
I was so thrilled to see my late pets I didn’t notice the numbering–came back again to see them–you do a GREAT JOB CLAUDIA!