We are all targets – IOTW Report

We are all targets

AmericanThinker: No one in America can afford to think that _______ won’t happen here.  Because the unthinkable is happening, with no end in sight.  And if Hillary Clinton is elected president, she will take the final steps to destroy this country in ways we can’t even imagine.  Not that we have to imagine, since Clinton is giving us clues.

The Daily Caller reports on a fundraising email from Christina Reynolds, Clinton’s communications director.  The fundraiser notes that while the conservative media may not express ideas the campaign agrees with, such media has a right to exist (sort of – and gee, thanks).

I doubt they actually believe that anyone who disagrees with them has a right to exist, but they need to inch their way forward into hell bit by bit, dragging us all along with them.  And as they drag us along, we find that the conservative-media-has-a-right-to-exist meme has at least one exception (more, no doubt, to follow).  Breitbart News has been singled out as an entity that, apparently, does not have the right to exist.


6 Comments on We are all targets

  1. we are being run by third world dictators who are hell bent on turning us into a third world country so they can all feel at home while ruling over us in their third world dictator way.

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