We Can’t Go Back – IOTW Report

We Can’t Go Back


Last week, Michelle “Tamales” Obama penned an op-ed for the New York Times.

It’s getting so they’ll let anybody publish something in that rag.

Michelle is hopping mad. Yes, she is so angry that she just might need to take a little vacation to cool down.

Seems that the House of Representatives is considering making her draconian mandatory universal school lunch restrictions voluntary.

Oh, the HUMANITY!!!!

To expect sovereign, free citizens to make the choices of what food their children eat without the heavy hand of government mandate?!

What kind of crazy world is that?!

Parents making the decisions for their children?!!!

Oh, sweet merciful Zeus!!!

So, Michelle, a woman nobody elected to anything, a woman who holds no Cabinet position in the Executive Branch, felt the need to hector us once again, this time from the pages of the New York Times.

On the plus side, with the slide in readership the Times has been experiencing, not many people read it.

The noted nutritionist Michelle opened her screed thus:



8 Comments on We Can’t Go Back

  1. Yes I know it’s old, but there is a reason I’ve remembered this for the last 37 years.

    “Social gains,” “social aims,” “social objectives” have become the daily bromides of our language. The necessity of a social justification for all activities and all existence is now taken for granted. There is no proposal outrageous enough but what its author can get a respectful hearing and approbation if he claims that in some undefined way it is for “the common good.”

    Ayn Rand 1946

  2. The lunch pictured–hockey puck medium well on roll, half a kiwi and a single packet of ketchup–looks pitiful.

    We can EASILY go back from this slop.

  3. The mandatory lemming program – FORWARD comrad, over the cliff of tyranny!

    Do not look back at the beautiful world you are leaving, but only FORWARD into the grey abyss of socialism.

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