“We do not have a transgender bathroom. So don’t be caught in the wrong one. Thank you, Bob.” – IOTW Report

“We do not have a transgender bathroom. So don’t be caught in the wrong one. Thank you, Bob.”


The ‘Bob’ in this case is Bob Warner, the owner of Steak and Catfish Barn. Warner explained that he put the sign up to try and protect all of his customers: “We have a lot of redneck guys that come in here. Truck drivers and everything. They’re big husky guys and I said ‘man alive!’ If their wife or their little girl walked in that bathroom and a man followed them in there, I wouldn’t have a restaurant.”

 Seems reasonable, right? Not if you’re a member of Freedom Oklahoma, a LGBT rights advocacy group now speaking out against the sign. Troy Stevenson, a member of the group, told Oklahoma City’s NewsChannel 4:“You’ve got this sign implying a threat of potential violence against somebody for going to pee.”

Paula Schonauer, a transgender woman — which means he’s a man who dresses, behaves, and identifies as a female — expressed similar thoughts, “I was disturbed. It was really a let down. It’s an opportunity to show what transgender people deal with on a daily basis,” Schonauer said. S/he said the message is discriminatory and the last sentence scares him/her. “That sign has an implied threat and a threat that’s very real to me.”

LGBT’s using the business review site Yelp, have launched a smear campaign with reviewers calling the owner a “bigot;” with another stating “not a fan of hate,” and many other comments hostile to the business. One poster commented, “congratulations, you have now entered the world of bigotry and there is a cure for it.” No elaboration on that “cure” was forthcoming, however.

This just once again exposes the hypocrisy of the left. To these people, a sign indicating there are no transgender bathrooms is a threat of violence, but a post claiming “there’s a cure” [for your bigotry] is not.

Keep it up, liberals. Keep it up. The national revolt against your agenda is at full throttle and you keep pumping more fuel into the tank.


20 Comments on “We do not have a transgender bathroom. So don’t be caught in the wrong one. Thank you, Bob.”

  1. The sign implys a threat of potential violence agianst someone peeing? No. The sign is warning you that your rights end where someone else’s rights begin. Just like a “BEWARE OF DOG” or “BEWARE OF OWNER” signs warns people to stay out of places they don’t belong. Now watch them push to have those signs removed.

  2. Ms. Piggy aka Amy Schumer gets Netflix to sign a horrible comedy skit and the community rightfully gives it 1-star across the board. The left comes out and blames it on “alt-right trolling,” because only someone on the right would find the untalented Amy not funny. In fact, it’s pretty much their standard measure if you’re a conservative by not laughing at Amy.

    In the wake of crying liberals, Netflix is going to change their 5-star system to a simple thumbs up-down vote so untalented hacks like Amy won’t be saddled “unfairly” with 1-star.

    In this tit for tat world, we need to hold our collective breath and wait for Yelp to cave to conservative smearing and change their rating system. right? I’m turning blue already, they better change it NOW before I turn Trigglypuff.

  3. I don’t know what the big deal is about men and women’s bathrooms. Go to any State park and on the door is the men/women picture. You aren’t given a choice. There’s no urinals in them either. Either you sit or stand take your pick. If I don’t like the looks of it, I can always find a big rock or bush.

  4. The LGBT community in Oklahoma City probably never goes to the Steak and Catfish Barn so there’s unlikely to be any loss of business from them and I’d suggest that the lefties that have families would nod approvingly at the nasty comments and will quietly continue to go or give the place a try because the safety of their kids are of more importance then some politically correct stance. Let the LGBT groups rant and rave and make Yelp comments, his business isn’t going to suffer and may actually increase.

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