“We don’t like your ideas, so we’re going to get violent” – The Left – IOTW Report

“We don’t like your ideas, so we’re going to get violent” – The Left

Progressives Today-

It was utter chaos at Portland State University Thursday evening, as over 100 wackjob commie students crashed the forming meeting for Students For Trump. Fights nearly broke out, doxing and vandalism threats

vlcsnap- issued to Trump supporters, Latino students were shoving the Trump students out of the way, another student encourages others to join anti capitalist groups, they shut down and silenced the pro Trump group, mocking their talking points, whined about TRUMP chalk on the sidewalk, and it ends with the socialist students gloating about shutting it down and promising to come back if Students For Trump holds another meeting.


19 Comments on “We don’t like your ideas, so we’re going to get violent” – The Left

  1. if the one on the right side doesn’t look like zuckerturd…..hate to say it but it is past time some of these “students” got a wood shampoo imo
    TRUMP/WALL 2016

  2. My thought, too, Uncle Al, there should have been a full blown fight and riot, with the anti-Trumpers getting a beatdown.
    Next meeting, bring the brass knuckles and helmets.

  3. The left would have loved it if the Trump supporters could have cracked a few heads. Then they would breathlessly report in the leftist propaganda outlets (MSM) how violent and intolerant the Trump supporters are.

    It’s better to not crack any heads until after November, so Obama doesn’t have an excuse to declare martial law and suspend elections.

  4. The Big Owe,
    Not a bad idea. Of course, there would have to be some advance planning, so that all those attending to organize the pro-Trump group have gas masks (surplus are not expensive), and high concentration pepper spray.
    Then when the anti-Trumps come a’crashin’, politely let them into the room, close and bar the door behind them, put on gas masks, and spray away – at VERY close range. “Tattoo” the anti-Trumps faces.
    Then open doors and walk out, leaving the anti-Trumps puking and writhing on the floor.

    Did I ever mention that my field of “give a fucks” was barren, and empty?

  5. “”The time has come,” the Walrus said,
    “To talk of many things:
    Of shoes–and ships–and sealing-wax–
    Of savage ass whippings …””

    The day draws nigh …

    The socialists will push this to a point of no return.

    I guarantee it.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. The Left; what a bunch of ladies blouses.
    They are only strong when in a mob
    Take out the mob leaders and enjoy the rout
    I love it when guys play pushy chest.
    It brings the testicles into ‘Bag of Agony Maneuver’ proximity.

  7. It’s obvious these miscreants are being directed to do everything that they can to provoke a physical or violent response in order to cause riotous situations and create chaos leading up to the general election
    Then conveniently the Obamanation can invoke ‘enabling act’ type measures for unprecedented political and election control in November.
    It’s a time old story of staged political collapse and control and it’s happening here.

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