“We Gotta Be LESS WHITE” – IOTW Report

“We Gotta Be LESS WHITE”

Find out how to accomplish that at NC Renegades.

h/t Brad.

25 Comments on “We Gotta Be LESS WHITE”

  1. Rachel Dolezal became so ‘less-white’ they made her prezzy of the NAACP…just a few years before the times, I guess… now she can’t find a job.
    There’s an object lesson for you.

  2. O.K….. less white.

    More…yellow? Should we all be asian? No one gives them crap. I could handle being really good at math.

    Will miss driving, but if these people want us to be less white I’m willing to compromise.

  3. Whatever you are, it’s wrong. LAUGH at the left. Like, to their faces, when they say retarded things. Even if it’s your relative or your spouse. You can’t explain anything to a person who is that far gone.


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