We Had a Dog Poop Scooping Robot – It was called My Dad – IOTW Report

We Had a Dog Poop Scooping Robot – It was called My Dad

My father would have welcomed the upgrade to this contraption – or, concraption.

ht/ cynic

18 Comments on We Had a Dog Poop Scooping Robot – It was called My Dad

  1. After a hard night I’ve been known to lay cable in the yard. If this thing comes at it perpendicular it’ll have to chunk it 2 or 3 times. Bad enough picking it out of the lawn mower.

  2. Made a game of poop scooping with my young sons. Gave them a dime for every turd they scooped. I would go inspect and deduct a nickle for every one i found. They were young, it was fun. We got the yard cleaned. Surprising how few times i found turds.

  3. That’s fine for the hard ones, explain how it takes care of the kind of poops where I have to wash Angus’ butt afterwards.
    Fix that and I shall buy one.
    Until then there is the garden hose and the chipping wedge (for onto the neighbor’s roof)

  4. Anyone else notice the video shows two different pick up mechanisms? Has to be different robots. The one shown first that pinches to the middle could only pick up one pile. The other one that pinches back to front also rakes the grass and pulls up into a storage bin. I don’t see any latch to open it. Suspect video is a hoax.


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