We have another portrait for our patriot pet gallery – IOTW Report

We have another portrait for our patriot pet gallery

This is our own Tuesday and her beloved Muffin. Tuesday is, I think, 15 or 16 in this photo.


I’m going to ask Tuesday in this thread to send me an updated snapshot of the final product. I do believe this is a picture that I sent Tuesday before final tweaks, but it’s still a good representation.

I know I haven’t updated the gallery in a while, but it’s not because I haven’t been doing any portraits, I have. It’s just that when I update I usually get a commission, and I didn’t have the time.

I actually completed this one around 2 months ago, and Tuesday has waited patiently for the update!

Thank you for the opportunity!

updated pic of painting sent in by Tuesday-


25 Comments on We have another portrait for our patriot pet gallery

  1. Fur, this is one of the best ones yet. Muffin is a beautiful dog, and Tuesday…well, you captured not only HER beauty, but her warmth and kindness. The eyes and the smile say it all. Well done!

  2. I liked your cat Zonga.

    BFH did a twofer with Rusty and Nishka. It was Christmas gift for a dear friend. My friend treasures it. Poor Rusty died from a seizure.

  3. If I could edit my second comment from yesterday, I would, because I left out a very important thought that I discussed with BFH when he sent me preliminary steps of the painting he was commissioned by me to do. When I saw them, I immediately thought of the song by Glen Campbell and it is so true of this painting. BigFurHat has brought two ghosts alive. I love you BigFurHat. You are the kindest, most accessible and in my opinion, greatest Megastar in the blogosphere. I hope you will forgive me for breaking the rules, but I feel I need to post this song to express what I really feel about this painting you did. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7kw5zXVFVQ

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