We Knew In the 90s that Disturbed Mothers Raise Confused Children – IOTW Report

We Knew In the 90s that Disturbed Mothers Raise Confused Children

PJ Media

The abstract of a scientific study undertaken in 1994 has been making the rounds on social media, and it is shocking on two levels. The first wave of shock (although not surprise) comes at you from what the study discovered: the mothers of gender dysphoric boys tend to suffer from a host of mental illnesses of their own.

The study (full text can be found here), “Mothers of boys with gender identity disorder: a comparison of matched controls,” was performed by researchers Sonia Marantz and Susan Coates, both of whom are Ph.D.s. More

12 Comments on We Knew In the 90s that Disturbed Mothers Raise Confused Children

  1. I remember a flaming homo in jr high and high school. It pranced around like richard simmons even before simmons became famous. I recall seeing his mother one time at some parent related event. She was a complete nutcase.

  2. This one mom in particular took her son, a friend of mine in HS to see Deep Throat in the early 70’s when he turned 21. I always thought that was extremely disgusting and haven’t seen this so-called friend since the mid 70’s and don’t ever want to see him ever again. She was also extremely liberal and really had nothing in common with any of the regular moms in my neighborhood.

  3. Sure, she may be the psycho chick from hell, but I married her because I loved her.

    No-fault divorce was intended to, and has destroyed Western Civilization. People have put their own selfish interest ahead of their children for too long. I’ve noticed for more than 30 years the deleterious affect of single motherhood on both girls and boys.

    Girls learn to be sluts watching their newly-empowered moms jump from bed to bed, while boys are raised by women who a) hate men, and b) don’t know how to raise boys. Without a father as a bed-rock, there can be no family.

    How many girls will treasure chastity when they have to wake up to a different man in the house every few months? They watch their moms bang a different guy every few weeks and learn that to be normal. Virginity at 15 makes girls oddballs, not Ladies. Girls need a strong, stable foundation in order to become ladies.

    I have seen numerous young men turned in to Prancing Nancys by mothers who treat their sons as daughters. Moms don’t know how to teach their boys to mow the lawn, tune cars, or make things, like dads did in the past. While they mean well, they raise their sons to be women. Only a strong father can raise a fine young man.

    While a woman may need a man like a fish needs a bicycle, children need a father in order to develop in to well rounded adults.

    I won’t lay all blame on the women; most cope the best they can. Divorced dads too often fall back to the Bro life and are all too happy to chuck the responsibility for raising their kids. I blame no-fault divorce. When we pronounce before our congregation “Till death to us part”, we need to take our vow seriously. As adults, our word should be bond.

  4. @ Lance o Lot AT 11:17 PM

    “While they mean well, they raise their sons to be women.”

    I’m not willing to concede good intentions. It’s a variation on Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy. They are attention seekers who lack any capacity for consideration for injuries they cause anyone else. Narcissists.

  5. I used to employ young people, mostly men back when working was a thing among the young. In interviews I would assign a likelihood to whether the young fellow had a father present in his upbringing based on his attitudes and behavior during the discussion.

    Young men who were raised without a significant father figure are identifiable.

    A second note, from young men I employed, those who were a product of divorced parents were the most opposed to divorce in general.


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