We Received Help Deciphering Leftist Texting Shortcuts – UPDATED – IOTW Report

We Received Help Deciphering Leftist Texting Shortcuts – UPDATED

Here are the traditional texting shortcuts, or SMS, –

  • ROTFL – Rolling on the floor laughing.
  • ROTFLMAO– Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
  • STFU – Shut the f**k up.
  • LMK – Let me know.
  • ILY -I love you.
  • IMHO- In my humble opinion.
  • SMH– Shaking my head.
  • NVM- Never mind.
  • IKR – I know, right.
  • BTW– By the way.
  • OMG – Oh my god.
  • BRB – Be right back.
  • C&P– Copy and paste.
  • EOD – End of discussion.
  • FWIW– For what it’s worth.
  • IDK– I don’t know.
  • TTYL – Talk to you later.
  • HAND – Have a nice day.
  • KIT – Keep in touch.
  • MYOB – Mind your own business.
  • LOL– Laugh Out Loud.

In the spirit of Michael Avenatti’s decoding of yearbook code, we’ve analyzed these acronyms and have come to the conclusion that this is what a particular lefty means when they use them. (Best one from comments will be filled in.)

  • ROTFL – Rightwingers Ought To Fucking Lose – Jack Dorsey
  • ROTFLMAO- I’ll see you tomorrow, I have to run, late for train. Godspeed- Joe Biden
  • STFU  – Stop The Fucking Ukuleles! – Lawrence O’Donnell
  • LMK –  Let’s Murder Kavanaugh
  • ILY –  I’m lying yeah!
  • IMHO- I Might Have Ovaries – Adam Schiff
  • SMH– shit my Huggies_ Hillary Clinton
  • NVM- nouveau-vaginal male
  • IKR – I kill republicans – Hillary Clinton
  • BTW– Blame the whitey – Mazie Hirono
  • OMG – Offer Me Gold – Hillary Clinton
  • BRB – Beer, Rape, Beer (Diane Feinstein, Dick Durbin)
  • C&P– complain & politicize
  • EOD – Everyone Owes Democrats
  • FWIW– Fat White Idiot Wymyn.
  • IDK– I Dik Kids  -The Podestas
  • TTYL – Tweet the young lady – Anthony Weiner
  • HAND – Had A Nice Dick! – Barney Frank
  • KIT – Kill Idiot Trump (Jane Fonda)
  • MYOB -Murder Your Opponent, Bro
  • LOL– Loosely Organized Losers – The DNC

79 Comments on We Received Help Deciphering Leftist Texting Shortcuts – UPDATED

  1. STFU- We have another lying whore lined up to lie; no corroboration, no 911 tapes, no police reports or medical records but it’s going to be great.

    It’s just short hand for that “OK” hand sign which means “It’s going to be ‘ok’ because we found another lying whore who is going to lie; no corroboration, 911 tapes, police reports or medical records but it’s going to be great”.

  2. Back when I used to read Ace of Spades blog when it was hilarious and before Ace lost the knack for brevity, he used to have a texting shortcut.

    IYKWIMAITYD. If You Know What I Mean And I Think You Do.

    I liked that.

  3. @MJA – OMG: Other Man’s Girl- Bill Clinton
    OPP – Naughty by Nature version, not ABC by Michael Jackson,,
    Just wanted to clarify, ’cause our school systems make them so edumacated today.
    Good one!

  4. LOL – Loosely Organized Losers – The DNC

    ROTFL – Russians On The Frontal Lobe – Trump/Putin Conspiracy theorists

    ROTFLMAO – Rumors Of That Feinstein Liar Make Americans Offended – The opinion of anyone who cares about the country

  5. STFU – Story’s Too Faking Unbelievable – The Mainstream Media

    BTW – Bitches That Whine – Radical Feminists

    TTYL – Talented Tonguing Young Lesbian – Huma Abedin

  6. WTF (in response to warning system coming over our phones and TVs today) – Warning Triggers Freakout – well jerk, isn’t it all about finding a safe space? R~U~N ! Make up your addled minds.

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