We Need Individualism – IOTW Report

We Need Individualism

Over the last year, I went from socialist progressive to capitalist libertarian. I took the red pill, and I wanted to share my experience…


The conflict between white nationalists and Antifa is a battle between collectivists. If we embrace individualism and respect the role it played in the foundation of Western culture, we will be a lot better off as a society.



9 Comments on We Need Individualism

  1. OK, this guy is laying in bed, about to go to sleep, and he gets up to say this spiel. Let me guess, he is laying in bed by himself. I could be wrong, just a guess.

  2. This video states BASIC principles — something that should be taught in junior high or even earlier. The fact that someone needs to re-state these principles to adults, shows how far back-slid our education factory is nowadays.

    We’re producing collectivist widgets !!

  3. Most young peeps attempt to exhibit their “individualism” by appearing, acting, and imitating their peers.
    This is why “eclecticism” is the new code-word for “tasteless.”
    This is why finger and toe-nail polish is so ghastly.
    This is why stooges and morons march the streets, goose-stepping in unison, chanting foolish and meaningless slogans.
    This is why “certain segments” attack police, when they have no actual reasons for antipathy.
    This is why thousands invade Walmart the day after Thanksgiving beating each other senseless to grab some object they couldn’t really care less about.
    This is why tens (hundreds?) of millions watch the NFL, NBA, MLB, Orca, and “reality” shows.
    This is why pernicious, self-serving, greedy, lying maggots go into politics and practice demagoguery – they know that more want free shit than want to pay for it – but that most are too stupid, and too much in lock-step, to try to think it through.

    Be an individual! Madison Avenue will show you how!

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. White nationalists are NOT collectivists; national socialists are. National Socialists are what is termed “The Fake Right.” National Socialists (NAZIS) and International Socialists (COMMIES) are collectivists. Since all politics is now identity politics, there is now the alt-right, which includes nationalists, white and other colors, queer and straight, who do not believe in Globalism; they seek to conserve Western Civilization. Do not conflate white nationalists with NAZIS, neo or paleo.

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