We need the libs to answer this – IOTW Report

We need the libs to answer this

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17 Comments on We need the libs to answer this

  1. Are you kidding,Fur?! All they’ll do is start waving their arms around, sputter for several seconds, look at me like they want to call me something too hideous to imagine but can’t find the just right word — then they’ll say I’m a xenophobe because both Trump and Putin are white men and part of the global patriarchy. Xenophobe is the latest epithet, btw, even if it isn’t applied correctly.

  2. Libs have no answer to this question. Just like they have no answer to most questions that challenge their hypocrisy and inane policies. But they don’t need to answer; they have the media covering for them and social media censoring contrary viewpoints and facts under the guise of “misinformation.”

    People don’t believe the government any more. They don’t believe the media anymore. Social media is good for sharing recipes and remembering birthdays, and not much else – you can delete Facebook and lead a more fulfilling life. Eventually, the chickens will come home to roost.

  3. Actually, the ones I know have been shown truth many times in the last 40 years and their reaction is always to repeat what they heard on MSNBC, CNN, etc. Always.

    That’s their gospel and they’re sticking to it. Even if it’s a bald-faced lie that’s completely destroyed. I stopped being frustrated a long time ago.

    I just lay the truth in front of them and hope cognizant dissonance kicks in.

    I think a big part of it is having the hardest time admitting they are wrong about politics. It would destroy who they think they are if they did.

    The only times they admit they are wrong is on small stuff. Same pattern of argument and truth being laid out by me. The last time was about vultures.

    We had to start with the disbelief that they were birds of prey. It was hilarious to me that the woman did a search about it on her phone as her BF and I were going back and forth a bit.

    The hard part was not gloating. Very hard.

    After that, he didn’t believe vultures would kill things I had to send him 3 links that explained they can and will. She didn’t do a search on that. I think I know why.

  4. Ima thinking Putin knew Joey would pull a Carter, so he invaded Ukraine just to get oil up to $130/barrel. Putin wants the money. Maybe he has a bigger project in the works.

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