We no longer call them RINOs – IOTW Report

We no longer call them RINOs

22 Comments on We no longer call them RINOs

  1. I have said for 25 years “Bush Republicans” are D fifth columnists! GWB agreed with me 16 years ago when he said “I HOPE I’M THE LAST REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT.”! The only honest statement I have seen attributed to “Dubya” in 50 years.

    Of course in less than an hour he and karl screamed “I meant to say NOT!”
    Conservatives said , “Freudian Slip!”! ie GWB said what he meant for the only time in his life!

  2. Needs to be a new bumper sticker.

    TransRepublican – Traitorous Hypocrite or Hypocritical Traitor?

    Nahhhhh … too long. Anyway, I love it!
    TransRepublican, indeed.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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