We Read About It, But Seeing It Is Appalling – IOTW Report

We Read About It, But Seeing It Is Appalling

Martha Plimpton celebrates her Seattle abortion as her first and best –

29 Comments on We Read About It, But Seeing It Is Appalling

  1. Discussing doesn’t come close to describing this horrible woman. I’ll bet the jackass laughing next to her has no clue about the killings of black babies by PP and the killing of black youths in Chicago.

  2. Hey look: a D-lister trying to boost her career.

    At least I assume she rates that high. I’ve never heard of her, and I’m not even getting “she looks vaguely familiar so I must have seen her in something”.

    Is she even an actress?

  3. I support abortions for Regressive Libtards and Blax. Imagine another 25+ MILLION Blax plus their sprogs if it were not for abortion. I demand taxpayer money quadruple to support Planned Parenthood, as long as they put in clinics all over Dem controlled cities.

  4. Little chance this evil old hag will repent for murdering her own children. So, she can look forward to demonic laughter as she’s lit up like a matchstick in Hell for eternity.

  5. Parenthood (1989)

    Martha Plimpton is 19 years old in this movie and plays “Julie Buckman”

    Julie is still in high school, but is not interested in her education. She and her boyfriend, Tod, get married, Julie becomes pregnant,

    ..It’s even worse knowing she got pregnant only as a tool to advance her career.

  6. So she doesn’t have any children that lived then.

    “the daughter of actors Keith Carradine and Shelley Plimpton. Her paternal grandfather was actor John Carradine”
    That’s all I need to know. I was surprised to learn she’s had relationships with men. Thought she and a three dollar bill had a lot in common.

  7. Keith Carradine’s daughter? That explains much. Talk about “no father figure” around.

    Still, surprised she didn’t keep the Carradine name and cash in on it. She might have done better.

    She and Alyssa Milano can hook up and do home-video Lesbian Fatty Porn together.
    At least they’d have some income.

    The Left destroys everything it touches.

  8. “announces her “first abortion” was in Seattle and draws loud cheers”

    how long will God shed his grace on thee when you murder children in the womb ?

    people cheered this ?
    they need to be locked up !

  9. 14 years ago I signed up for a 3 month stint on a well known match making site. My last son had graduated and moved out of the house, so I OK’d myself looking for another mate. I finally had the time for another personal relationship.

    I went full honest because I wanted to be rejected up front for who I am instead of wasting time revealing myself a little at a time like most do to game it.

    One of my lines:
    ‘If you’re OK with abortion, please do not contact me. This matters too much to me to overlook in a mate.”

    The site had a feature you could send a quick message to someone without the other able to contact you back. Why the heck that feature existed, is beyond me.

    Anyways, I got some pretty vile messages over that one and frustration over some others. They really took it personally, when all I did was save us both some time. You don’t like who I am? Then move on, sister! Made it easy for you! No words needed!

    Before that 3 months was up, I was able to find a psycho I already knew to be my girlfriend, so it all worked out.

  10. To be honest there really isn’t a lot you can say about the character and morals of someone like this. All you can do is walk away and shake your head at the depths that a person can sink to and then celebrate it. In any event I won’t be watching anything she is in knowing the lack of character she sports in real life.

  11. Some may think it cruel of stance on abortion. Jesus never preached tolerance of sin:

    Jesus is dying on the cross of Crucifixion –
    Luke 23:39-43 (HCSB)
    39 Then one of the criminals hanging there began to yell insults at Him: “Aren’t You the Messiah? Save Yourself and us!”
    40 But the other answered, rebuking him: “Don’t you even fear God, since you are undergoing the same punishment?
    41 We are punished justly, because we’re getting back what we deserve for the things we did, but this man has done nothing wrong.”
    42 Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when You come into Your kingdom!”
    43 And He said to him, “I assure you: Today you will be with Me in paradise.”

    Jesus will forgive even this most saddest of sins. These women have been betrayed and deluded by agents of the devil.

  12. Some of her friends and family were in the audience…obviously not a son or daughter present to applaud her love of a great abortion.
    Such a disgusting thing to want cheering for loss of a life. A LOT of women that have abortions do not want to talk about it because it is a painful memory…mentally. Not an easy decision for a lot of women I am sure and one that leaves an emotional hole I would think. (Never had one myself so just speaking as a friend of others that did)

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