We Should Honor Tashfeen Malik’s Body According To Islamic Principles – IOTW Report

We Should Honor Tashfeen Malik’s Body According To Islamic Principles

There is a controversy right now about the remains of Tashfeen Malik. She’s a-moldering-in- the-morgue and no one has claimed her body. The state will usually cremate the body because it’s the cheapest way to go.

The body of terror killer Tashfeen Malik, the wife of fellow gunman Syed Farook, could be cremated within a month because nobody is willing to take responsibility for her remains, it has been claimed

But, cremation is strictly forbidden according to Islamic law.

I say we give her her Islamic burial.


Because most people are saying that she shouldn’t get an Islamic burial because she “was a terrorist.”

You see, when most people zig, I zag.

I would immediately give her her Islamic burial to make the point that there is nothing un-Islamic about being a terrorist. Why would the fact that she killed 14 people have anything to do with exempting her to what she’s entitled to? To do so would be like saying that Tashfeen lost her Muslim privileges when she murdered. I see it like millions of Muslims see it, that she was completely devout to that savage faith.

Give her her Muslim burial with highest honors, like she deserves.


I’m concerned that people do not understand just how radical I am.

I think they think my ideas are progressive when they are actually the most non-progressive idea imaginable.

I would have Tashfeen’s funeral on the Tee Vee.
I’d have it full of pomp and circumstance.
I’d have the highest mullah and Imam available to speak at her funeral.
I’d have as many “Praise Allahs” as I could fit into the broadcast as possible.

It would be the most Islamic f@cking thing you’d ever seen.

And the subject of all this holiness?
A f@cking murderer.

I think my point would be made.

Feeding her to the pigs and desecrating her body might make you feel good, but it is a yawner in terms of optics and war tactics.

I think my optics would be devastating for Islam in the court of public opinion.


ht/ conservative cowgirl

48 Comments on We Should Honor Tashfeen Malik’s Body According To Islamic Principles

  1. No muslims want to paint a target on themselves, pretty damn funny, where is CAIR?
    If Islam isn’t to be disrespected, they seem to be doing a jam up job.
    Enough irony to make an anvil.

  2. Her body ii now a filthy reminder of a person that was once brimming with evil. She earned absolutely no respect living or dead. No Honor, No privileges, No evil cult burial ritual.

    Give her the burial she deserves, throw her rotting remains in a hog pen.

  3. NO.
    It’s not about her. Its about those who think she and her husband are in Paradise being honored for their actions.
    They want to die and go to Paradise.

    Take that filthy terrorist’s body, grind it up, and feed it to the pigs.
    Fouled by swine their God abandons them and all they are is dead, and their Martyrdom is Nullified.
    Black Jack Pershing did something similar in the Philippines a nd it worked like a champ.
    Film the whole process. Jam their TV stations and show it 24/7
    Tell the rest of these goat fuckers that no Paradise awaits them.
    Only the greedy mouth of a Pig

  4. Are you concerned about offending the ‘Religion of Peace’? Then convert to Islam. Or die. Those are the only two things that don’t offend them.

    Otherwise, don’t waste your damn by giving it to Islam’s opinion.

  5. If 72 virgins is Allah’s reward in Paradise for his male martyrs, what is His reward to his faithful wimmins who martyr themselves in His name??

    72 washing machines? Those virgins will be expected to soil more bed sheets than they wash, and someone needs to do the laundry…

    A fully equipped outdoor kitchen along with all the goats she can roast?? Maybe she will get a few slaves to chop wood for her…

    What about that decidedly non-halal monthly uncleanliness that comes with any female, martyr or virgin??

    Perhaps this little cupcake is expected to enjoy her career in Paradise making hummus for the male maryrs…all those virgins will surely be busy doing something else, and SOMEONE has to feed them all….

    Just curious about her prospects in Paradise…

  6. I’m concerned that people do not understand just how radical I am.
    I think they think my ideas are progressive when they are actually the most non progressive idea imaginable.

    I would have Tashfeen’s funeral on the Tee Vee.
    I’d have it full of pomp and circumstance.
    I’d have the highest mullah and Imam available to speak at her funeral.
    I’d have as many Praise Allahs in the broadcast as possible.

    It would be the most Islamic fucking thing you’d ever seen.

    And the subject of all this holiness?
    A fucking murderer.

    I think my point would be made.

    Feeding her to the pigs and desecrating her body might make you feel good, but it is a yawner in terms of optics and war tactics.

    It’s like Nicky taking way too much time rifle-butting the dead gook in The Deer Hunter.
    It made him feel good but was totally wrong for the mission that needed to be accomplished.

  7. Muslims believe that anyone who dies in jihad goes instantly to heaven, so tossing a jihadi’s carcass in with pigs is actually meaningless to the jihadi.

    This tactic may have worked on Phillipine Moro tribesmen of the early 20th century because they were semi-Muslim primitives. They didn’t have a full understanding of the doctrine of jihad ….. which, come to think of it, would have made them even more primitive. Now I’m confusing myself.

    Besides, what self respectful pig would take a bite out of a Muslim terrorist

  8. I approve of your message. I know I, and many others I have spoken to, am going to stand by and watch as the homosexuals and leftist feminist shitbags are tortured and executed by the moslime dogs. I will not lift one finger to knowingly defend one of th

  9. Cont from previous; defend them. So lets give the left what they want. Worship the filthy dogs and defer to them. Deliver your daughters to them for rape if it makes you feel better.

  10. I totally got it the first time, Fur. Make muslims own their religion in all its glorified glory. A devout muslim terrorist’s orthodox funeral and the muslim celebration that would ensue would absolutely disillusion a lot of the “but their religion is no different than anyone else’s” crowd. And for those who are especially dense or denying, at least it would cause some deep down discomfort of cognitive dissonance.

    It is completely right.

  11. You know Fur, it wasn’t until I saw “Deer Hunter” that I realized that the national sport of Viet Nam was Russian Roulette. Seriously, everywhere you turned in that movie some gaggle of gooks was either playing it or betting on it.

    And ease off on Nick, why doncha? He only spent eight seconds bashing that VC NCO’s head. What’s the rush? They’re in the middle of nowhere; they just wasted everybody who could pursue them. Didn’t jeopardize the escape mission at all

  12. While I certainly can feel what Fur is saying, I do not want one penny of my tax money going to a funeral for this loathsome crunt.

    Local officials should do whatever they would normally do in the case of an unclaimed body. If someone is so utterly offended by the thought of her being cremated, then that person can claim the body and assume the responsibility for burying it.

  13. I would be willing to spend the tax money to show the world that killing 14 infidels does not disqualify you from having an Islamic funeral. In fact, it begets you one, a top tier one. One of the best.

    Sometimes you have to think a little obliquely to expose a truth and get people to see it.

  14. Give what remains of this evil bitch to the Dems at Planned Parenthood and let them take it to a landfill to rot—just like they do with the products of countless abortions. (The world is run amok with sickos.)

  15. Fur,

    The only problem I have with your approach is that a lot of jihadist-wannabes would get the wrong message from it. Since they don’t have the ability to think obliquely, they will assume that if they commit a similar attack, they will get the same treatment.

    “Wow – look at the great honor that awaits me if I martyr myself like that! All this and the 72 virgins too. Such a deal!”

  16. I don’t think Fur cares about Muslim perception. It’s about ramming home the fact that these are people of Islam so that Lefty Westerners can start to see the light.

    The tide will not change because Muslims stop murdering. It will change because Westerners decide to stop accepting it.

  17. Right, BFH, but could she please get a dead female “Go Fund Me” account rather than us paying for it? Then take names of the funders (you KNOW there will be plenty of progressives) and attendees for future reference.

    Michael Moore might even want to adopt a dead one to take care of until his live ones move into his home.

  18. I don’t care about Muslim perception, either. But I do care about aiding and abetting jihad. And if glorifying a terrorist’s death results in more dead Americans, I care about that big time.


  19. I’m okay with all the above suggestions, but I’d like one of her arms as a keepsake. People will say, “Man, that’s an ugly arm.” I’ll reply “Well, if you think that’s ugly, you should have seen her face.”

  20. I had a similar thought as yours when I first read about this a day or so ago. Obama keeps claiming that ISIS is in no way islamic and that islam doesn’t condone killing innocents.

    Yet here we have murderers that pledged their loyalty to ISIS at the same time they committed the murders in the name of islam. The “religious” amongst the moslem undertakers say she should definitely be buried according to their islamic customs because that is what good moslems are owed when they die. But no one wants to step up and do it publicly because they know it will damage the narrative they are pushing about peaceful islam (taqiyya) not supporting murderous terrorists.

    Give her the full islamic send off with all the bells and whistles so the sane among us can always point to this as absolute proof why islam does indeed condone the murder of innocents in the name of their religion. Their own actions of giving these murderers an islamic approved funeral proves that islam itself officially rewards terrorists that murder in the name of islam. If she was acting in a fashion that is truly against the teachings of islam she wouldn’t receive this “honor” of a proper islamic funeral (they would be treating her like all the other unbelievers and apostates they murder regularly on video and just stone her or shoot her, and unceremoniously throw her body in a ditch or leave it to rot where it fell).

    Then the next time that Obama and other moslem apologists say that islam has nothing to do with terrorists murdering people, we can point out the undeniable fact that islam treated this one in particular as a hero and religious martyr by rewarding her for her evil acts with the supposed honor of a proper islamic funeral. Thus, we have “smoking gun” evidence that islam celebrates and rewards people that murder in the name of islam. Although people like us here at IOTWReport already know this, it might help convince a few people that don’t really pay attention to reality.

  21. If I remember correctly, a standard Islamic funeral is just a hole in the desert sand, no casket, no ceremony, no marker, grave site unknown.

    Can we take “her” down to the Kalifornication Mohave desert and dig a shallow hole? At best she serve to fertilize the ground and feed the animals that dig up her remains.

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