We want this guy for NY Governor – IOTW Report

We want this guy for NY Governor

I’d rather be governed by the first 20 names in this guy’s iPhone contacts list than Cuomo or De Blasio, if I may modernize Buckley’s quote.

By why go to that list? We have him.

This guy for governor.

ht/ riverlife callie

23 Comments on We want this guy for NY Governor

  1. I am not a Twitter type of guy, so can someone does us all a favor and RT this at Chris Cuomo, the CNN personality who happens to be the brother of the Governor of New York.

    Also, see if James Woods might help socialize this on his Twitter account while you are at it. Thanks.

  2. NYers talk a good game, but then elect people like Cuomo and diBlasshole (loved it!…that, and “the list who banged your sister is longer”!!!)

    Yeah, if they came to their senses, they’d elect these guys.
    But, back to reality….

  3. This guy is what made New York city so great. Now NY is filled with metrosexual transgendered freaks. And illegals who vote.
    I didn’t notice this guy’s name, but I’m guessing it’s something like “Vinnie”.
    Vote Vinnie! He’d be the mayor in a landslide.

  4. Facts about New York:
    New York had 62 counties. 29 electoral votes.
    Trump won 46 of those counties.
    Densely populated areas of the state over power the rest of the state.
    Get the picture?

  5. I have love-hate for New Yorkers — grew up in Brooklyn in the 50’s-60’s. The best types are like the guy above, Rudy Giuliani and of course our fabulous President !
    But it also is the home of the original limousine liberal ( & also the first RINO), Mayor John Lindsay, and tons of brain-dead liberals who voted for the biggest carpetbagger of them all, Hillary (who had absolutely no connection with NY until she became its Senator.)

    If NYC wants to continue to be the Big Shiny Apple on the Hudson, then they should listen to and vote for more of these straight-talking, no nonsense people.

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