‘We won’t be social distancing’: South Dakota governor expects packed house for Trump Mount Rushmore event – IOTW Report

‘We won’t be social distancing’: South Dakota governor expects packed house for Trump Mount Rushmore event

Kristi Noem 2024.

Washington Examiner: South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem has no plans to limit the crowds that are expected to gather to watch the fireworks over Mount Rushmore during Independence Day weekend.

Noem, a Republican, told Fox News host Laura Ingraham on Monday that she will not enforce the social distancing guidelines that are recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to limit the spread of the coronavirus. She said that those who are concerned about the virus can make other plans.

“We’ve told people to focus on personal responsibility. Every one of them has the opportunity to make a decision that they’re comfortable with. So, we will be having a celebration of American independence. We will have a large event on July 3rd. We told those folks to have concerns that they can stay home,” she said.

“But those who want to come and join us, we will give out free masks if they choose to wear one, but we won’t be social distancing. We are asking them to come, be ready to celebrate, to enjoy the freedoms and the liberties we have in this country, and to talk about our history and what it brought us today with an opportunity to raise our kids in the greatest country in the world,” she added. MORE

18 Comments on ‘We won’t be social distancing’: South Dakota governor expects packed house for Trump Mount Rushmore event

  1. if Gov. Noem continues to champion individual responsibility (as opposed to that shitweasle gov in Texas & those 3 Nancy Boys in the Senate for eliminating Columbus Day) for the next 4 years, she’s got my vote for the 2024 Republican candidate nomination for POTUS

    “If the wife and I are fussin’ brother that’s our right
    ‘Cause me and that sweet woman’s got a license to fight
    Why don’t you mind your own business
    Mind your own business
    ‘Cause if you mind your business, then you won’t be mindin’ mine

    Oh, the woman on our party line’s the nosiest thing
    She picks up her receiver when she knows it’s my ring
    Why don’t you mind your own business
    Mind your own business
    Well, if you mind your business, then you won’t be mindin’ mine

    I got a little gal that wears her hair up high
    The boys all whistle when she walks by
    Why don’t you mind your own buisness
    Mind your own business
    Well, if you mind your own business, you sure won’t be minding mine

    If I wants to honky tonk around ’til two or three
    Now, brother that’s my headache, don’t you worry ’bout me
    Just mind your own business
    Mind your own business
    If you mind your business, then you won’t be mindin’ mine

    Mindin’ other people’s business seems to be high-toned
    I got all that I can do just to mind my own
    Why don’t mind your own business
    Mind your own business
    If you mind your own business you’ll stay busy all the time”

    ~ Hank Williams

  2. Traveled to South Dakota for the first time several years ago. Mount Rushmore is a site to behold. Will be channel surfing tomorrow for coverage. Trump. Noem. Fireworks. Rushmore. What’s not to love?

  3. That people such as her still exist in government is worth celebrating as well, especially now. I would like to hear more of her views. She seems very polite, direct and fast on her feet.

    Maybe Pence will announce he’s out and Trump will ask her to serve. In the mean time, she can come over to my house for crab lasagna anytime!

  4. Well, here we go. Gov. Inslee of Washington is ‘upping the ante’ and making mask wearing “a mandate” starting next week. This means businesses MUST deny you service if you’re not wearing one. I guess if they don’t, THEY are in violation of his so called ‘law.’

    “This is not an optional plan for businesses,” the governor said about the new mandate. “This is a legal requirement. This is not merely a suggestion. If you go to a business and you’re not complying with this, the business cannot legally serve you.”

    Read more here:


    There’s no mention of penalties for businesses that fail to comply with his ‘law.’ I’m guessing it will NOT go over well. All the stores I’ve visited since his original ‘mask initiative’ of June 10 have said nothing to people not wearing them, including me.

  5. Jimmy, unlucky us. I despise Jay Inslee. Our local Mayor Nadine Woodward will not enforce or fine us here in Spokane if we choose not to wear masks. I hate the damn thing, I’m going grocery shopping today and will be forced to wear my red bandana while some others still walk around free not giving a damn about it. I am so ready for all this wu flu bs to be over, like back in March when it first began. I have to go to my Credit union today since the lobby is finally open, it’s a good thing they know me since I’ll be wearing a red bandana and don’t want to be mistaken for a bank robber.


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