Hey Claudia, that baby fox would make a cute avatar.
One summer, our crawl space gave birth to a batch of little skunks. We left them alone until they were old enough to leave home.
Finally, one evening, the mother skunk and her babies were in our backyard. We encouraged them to leave by gently spraying them with the hose. Mother and babies hurried away except for one baby, as Claudia pictures, who loved the spray and cavorted in the shower. His mother fussed and called from the bushes, but he kept having a wonderful time. When she started out after him, he finally ran to her, and she put the smack-down on him. But he had had a wonderful time.
This is how we get hooked into loving them. Who can reject something so cute if it happens to show up at your place?
Ran across this yesterday. You would have a new pet if this guy showed up at your place, Claudia.
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww, how adorable! Such a cutie patootie. Claudia
Babies … before they become obnoxious.
We’re inundated with coons. Started out as baby coons … now they’ve become a pain in the yard.
Thanks, Claudia! (not for my coons, for the lovely pictures)
izlamo delenda est …
Tiny is so precious until you think of Rahm Emanuel.
Thanks for the collection, Claudia. I hope things at your new location are going well.
Awwww – Baby skunk. That is the age where you can de-scent them and make they into really cool pets. They act like cats.
Sorry to hear about your problem with BLM.
I hope they dont burn the place down.;-)
That li’l stinker is waaaay too cute! And so are the li’l oinkers.
Thanks, Claudia, I’ll never get tired of your winning photo spreads!
Every thing was fine till you put Mitch McConnell and the other senators at the end.
Even baby skunks are cute! Great pictures Claudia!
I love skunks. The babies are the cutest and most inquisitive.
Love the animal pics on Sunday mornin
An Island Full Of PIGS!!! (in the Bahamas)
Never knew this existed
Hey Claudia, that baby fox would make a cute avatar.
One summer, our crawl space gave birth to a batch of little skunks. We left them alone until they were old enough to leave home.
Finally, one evening, the mother skunk and her babies were in our backyard. We encouraged them to leave by gently spraying them with the hose. Mother and babies hurried away except for one baby, as Claudia pictures, who loved the spray and cavorted in the shower. His mother fussed and called from the bushes, but he kept having a wonderful time. When she started out after him, he finally ran to her, and she put the smack-down on him. But he had had a wonderful time.